Rufus got tired of waiting for his turn on Mommy's lap, so he decided he would just hold me and Mommy!
Mommy thought she out smarted me today by making me promise to be an angel. She told me this morning that if I were a good boy we would go shopping. I promised. However, I outsmarted her because I made her use her Christmas gift card on me! I got all kinds of cool things from Target! You know what? I don't even feel bad that Mommy bought me things with her Christmas present. Mommy says that she has no problem whatsoever using her gift card on me. What a Mommy!!!
We stopped by Daddy's office after we went shopping. I got to hang out with Uncle Carl for a little while. I wanted to see Auntie Cash (oops I mean Auntie Kay) but she was at home sick today. I hope she gets better soon. Maybe Daddy will take me up there to see her later this week.
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Mommy Only Thinks She's Smart!
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Zachary 1 Daddy 0!
I got to hang out with Daddy again today. I am pretty sure Daddy woke up this morning thinking his day would be a piece of cake since I was so well behaved when I got up to feast in the middle of the night. NOT! I SURE FOOLED HIM! Mommy felt bad for Daddy because he still wasn't feeling all that well and to add to it, I totally roughed him up today. I think I slept maybe two hours between the time Mommy left for work and the time she returned home tonight. Daddy was really happy to see Mommy tonight (not that he isn't all the time, he was just extra happy tonight). I will try not to rough Daddy up any more but a boy has to have some fun! I think Daddy tried to remind Mommy about my antics because when Mommy got home I was wearing a "Here Comes Trouble" shirt. I tried to rough Mommy up tonight but she is a lot sneakier than Daddy! I finally had to surrender to Mommy. Mommy says tomorrow I am going to wear a "Sweet Baby" shirt. She seems to think that clothes may make the man after all.
Monday, December 26, 2005
Twas The Day After Christmas!!
Grandma Dale and me (Mommy said we couldn't post the Christmas picture of Grandma and me because Grandma might get mad if we put a picture on the Internet of her in her pajamas!)
Daddy and me at our official first Christmas.

This is my cousin Jake:

This pretty girl is my cousin Brooke:

Aunt Terri was so happy to see me!
Grandpa Jim and me making faces at each other!
Well I am not sure exactly who or what Santa Claus is but I think I will keep him!!! This weekend Mommy, Daddy and I went to Dardanelle to spend Christmas with my Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Terri, Uncle Tom, and my cousins Jake and Brooke. This was the first time I met Aunt Terri, Uncle Tom, Jake and Brooke. I will tell you what, I am as crazy them as they are for me!
Daddy, Mommy and me went to church on Christmas Eve. Mommy says I was the most well behaved baby there! When we got back to Grandma and Grandpa's house, I got to open a present (with Daddy's help). I had already opened presents at my house earlier that day from Mommy, Daddy and Santa. I scored big time. The next morning everyone opened a whole lot more presents but I slept the entire time. Daddy opened my presents for me. I got a ton of presents!!! I can't wait until I am big enough to actually play with all my toys, bears, exersaucers (yes, I have two of them! Santa brought me one and Uncle Tom, Aunt Terri, Jake and Brooke got me one too), my baby leap pad, and use my "baby credit cards". Mommy says that I will use one of my exersaucers down stairs and the other upstairs that way they don't have to carry it up and down the stairs. Grandpa Len, Granny Bev and Maams came to Grandpa Jim and Grandma Dale's house for Christmas dinner. I got a collection of Dr. Suess books from Granny Bev and Grandpa. Daddy and Mommy can't wait to start reading to me.
We are back home today and I am glad to see my fish. I really really missed my fish swing. I think they were happy to see me too! I also got to see Sebastian and Rufus. Those poor guys had to spend Christmas all alone! Mommy said that they were okay though because they had each other and Santa brought them some toys to keep themselves occupied with.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Mommy and Daddy Get An Early Christmas Present!!
Guess what everyone!!! Today I went to court for the very first time. The judge didn't even say "Will the Defendant please rise!" Mommy and Daddy got an early Christmas present today--ME!! If you ask me, I am the best Christmas present they could ever hope to receive. Yup, that's right today I officially became Zachary Edward Vance. Mommy and Daddy feel very blessed to have the privilege of having me as their son. Mommy and Daddy tell me every day just how special I am and how proud they are to have me as their son. I have a pretty good feeling that they will never forget to remind me of how much they love me and how special I am.
Besides cuddling with Mommy and Daddy, I got to hang out in my swing today. I just love to watch the colorful fish go round and round. Mommy told me that when I am older she and Daddy will take me to the Florida keys where I can swim with all the colorful fish. I can't wait!!!! I also got to hang out in my bouncy chair some but I am not too into the bouncy chair this week because Rufus rubs his big head on it too much and makes it too bouncy.
Mommy told me to tell everyone that if she ever musters the desire to put me down long enough she will transfer some new pictures to the camera to the computer so she can post new pictures of me.
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
A Busy Busy Boy!!
Sorry I haven't updated the blog lately but my secretary (Mommy) has been very busy lately trying to tie up loose ends for Christmas. Mommy bought me something in Memphis but she said I can't have it until Christmas. Why is it I have a feeling that I have been jipped? I thought it was a RULE that you get the present as soon as your parent comes back to town. Mommy says the rule doesn't apply because she was back the same day. Any legal advice out there?? I should just open it. It is not as if she wouldn't miss one package out of a zillion under the tree. Daddy says that Mommy would notice so I better not open it. I had a lot of fun hanging out with Daddy the past Saturday. He didn't even destroy Mommy's kitchen. Mommy got worried though when Daddy said he did some laundry because I was out of clothes. Mommy went inspecting and assured herself that I had plenty of clothes and Daddy just didn't know where to get the extras. Mommy thought no big deal though, less laundry for her to do.
Monday I went with Mommy to Little Rock to buy another stroller. Seems that my all terrain Eddie Bauer version doesn't fit in her car. After we got the stroller, we went to Daddy's office so he could assemble it before Mommy and I went shopping. I got to see Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl while I was there. I even got to pee in Daddy's shoe! Mommy thought it was too funny. When Mommy asked Daddy and Uncle Carl if Daddy said some bad words when it happened. They both said "No!" Uncle Carl told Mommy to ask me if she didn't believe them. Daddy cracked under pressure later that evening and confessed to saying a bad word. Daddy and Uncle Carl are on Santa's bad boy list for telling lies!
Mommy and I also went to inspect my future daycare. Mommy liked the daycare and thought the teachers were really nice. The nicest part is that my daycare will be right next to Uncle Lenny and Aunt Patty. I even got to seen Uncle Lenny before we went inside. Uncle Lenny and Aunt Patty will be on the "list" so they can spy for Mommy and Daddy or just be close by in the event of an emergency. Speaking of Uncle Lenny--Uncle Fester you need to hurry up and put some ducuts in my piggy bank. Interest is compounding daily you know!!
Yesterday, I went to Mommy's office Christmas party. I got to see a whole bunch of people (okay, well maybe they got to see me because I was asleep the whole time). Mommy told me to stay away from Mr. Andrews because he is grumpy but he was really really nice to me. Mommy wished she had a camcorder because it isn't often that Mr. Andrews is so nice. Well, maybe we should chalk it up to being a Christmas miracle! Anyway, I get to go to Daddy's Christmas party on Friday and maybe, just maybe I will stay awake for the festivities.
Today, I am just hanging out with Mommy and my brothers. I am being an extra good boy this morning so Mommy can clean the house. I plan on snuggling with Mommy all afternoon!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Boys Rule! Girls Drool (except for Mommy)!!
I got to hang out with my Daddy all day long while Mommy went to work. Daddy and I had great fun all day. That telephone kept interrupting our day though. Mommy called a gazillion times, Grandma called, Aunt Terri called, Auntie Cash and Uncle Lenny called. Each of them wanted to make sure that I was breaking Daddy in gently. Mommy told Daddy last night that I will want to party in the morning and take a nice nap in the afternoon. Daddy soon learned that Mommy already has me pretty much figured me out. I think Daddy was waiting for 1:00 when Mommy said I should be ready to take a nap. Guess what though?? By 1:00 both Daddy and me were ready for a nice long nap! I am happy to report that Daddy did not feed me candy, pop corn, soda or ice cream! Daddy said he had a blast hanging out with me today and he is looking forward to having lots of other "Boys Only Days".
Mommy was glad to get home to be able to hold me in her arms. I can't say I blame her, I am the ultimate snuggler. Mommy was quite impressed that Daddy managed to keep me in one piece (like he wouldn't have). She was less impressed with the way her kitchen looked though. Good thing Mommy doesn't have to go to work until next Thursday. Anyway, my Auntie Tedi got me the coolest rattle. It is engraved with my initials and birth date. Mommy says I better not knock her in the head with it. Miss JoAnn also got me the coolest onsie, jeans and a sleeper. Mommy says I am going to wear my outfit to the office Christmas party on Tuesday. I am going to be Mommy's date to the party. Next Friday, Mommy is taking me to Daddy's Christmas party.
I get to hang out with Daddy again all day tomorrow because Mommy has to take her car to Memphis because there is something wrong with the roof and she needs her oil changed and that kind of stuff. Daddy would go but he would rather hang out with me and let Mommy have a little day trip to get her car done and the last bit of Christmas shopping done. I am not sure where Memphis is but I have a pretty good idea that it's more than a hop, skip and a jump away. I wonder if she will bring me a present? Rumor has it that when ever Mommies or Daddies go to another town they have to bring presents home.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Big Boys Don't Have Woo Woos!!
Daddy and I have made a very important decision today. We decided that only sissy boys have a "woo woo" and I am not a sissy boy! Mommy pointed out that there are some health benefits for babies to have pacifiers. Daddy and I insisted only sissies have woo woos, so now I have the ultimate tough guy pacifier--a chompy! I sure love my chompy and I am already afraid of what will become of my chompy when Mommy and Daddy decide that I can no longer have it.
Mommy has to go back to work tomorrow. She will be working one day a week for the next month, which means Daddy and I will be hanging out by ourselves one day a week. Mommy went over all her instructions with Daddy and me tonight. We just nodded our heads like we agreed with everything she said. Rules smules! Daddy and I are going to party!!!!
Wednesday, December 14, 2005
Picture Day!!
Mommy and me went on our very first solo trip today! We went to get my pictures taken. I got some shots of me in my Christmas outfit, in a red outfit, and in my onsie. That lady who took my pictures was mean because she kept taking my "woo woo" away from me in order to get me to open my eyes wide. Mommy thought I looked like a little angel when the lady took my picture of me just in my onsie. Mommy can't wait for the proofs to come back. I am going to get my pictures framed and I am going to make sure Daddy has several different shots to put on his desk (Mommy too)!
I have more big news. Mommy finally got an e-mail notifying her that the rest of my Ark pieces have been shipped. Finally!!!
Update: Can you believe it, the UPS man actually delivered all of my stuff tonight! Mommy was very happy that all of my accessories came because now that means I have my room complete. I don't see what the big deal is though because it is not as if I actually sleep in my room. Come to think of it, I think Mommy and Daddy have only taken me in there once and that was just to show me around the house.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Just A Few Pictures!!

I crack myself up!

I am too cute!

Not now Mommy, I am thinking!

Mommy hopes I will outgrow my temper!

Saturday, December 10, 2005
Baby Blues!
Yesterday was a very sad day for Mommy, Daddy and me. It was so sad that I required a babysitter. Uncle Jerry and Auntie Norma baby sat me because Mommy and Daddy had to take Harley to her very last veterinarian appointment. Mommy said that Harley had been very sick for the last year but was determined to meet me. I am glad that we got to meet each other. Harley is an angel now and will continue to watch over me. I suspect that Harley left specific instructions with Sebastian and Rufus on how to properly look after me and how to keep me out of trouble.
Mommy, Daddy and I went to Wal-Mart today. I got to see all kinds of people. Some of them were scary looking!! In any event, when we got home there was this brown homeless dog sitting in our driveway. Daddy was so excited but Mommy told him not to get any ideas because the dog wasn't staying. Daddy fed the doggy some food and made it a warm place to sleep for the night. Rufus has been staring at the doggy from the doorway. Mommy maintains that the doggy is not staying. I think she means it because she isn't viewing the arrival of a stray dog as a cosmic sign!
Tonight I got to hang out with Uncle Lenny, Aunt Patty and Jessica. Jessica finally found the courage to hold me. I think she did a great job. Uncle Lenny gave me a camouflage Razorback hat. Mommy just groaned and rolled her eyes. I got a cool bouncy seat and a piggy bank too! I think Uncle Lenny forgot to put the ducuts in the piggy bank though. That's okay though, Mommy says we can make him pay later, with interest!
Thursday, December 08, 2005
This Is the Life!!!
Today was a pretty quiet day. This morning I hanged out with Daddy so Mommy could sleep a little bit longer. I hanged out with Mommy all day. We did a little Internet Christmas shopping. Mommy was relieved to get most of the Christmas shopping behind her. I am starting to figure out that if I scream, Mommy comes running. Tonight I plan on hanging out with Daddy again (well at least until Mommy decides it's her turn again).
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
What A Busy Day!
I have been an extremely busy boy today. I had my very first pediatrician appointment today. My doctor says I am doing great! I have regained my birth weight and Mommy thinks with all the eating I do I will be Rufus-Size before long. I have also grown 3/4 of an inch. All of this in one week! I cracked Mommy up at the doctor's office. I had a projectile pooh after they took my diaper off. It missed Mommy by inches. She thought it was too funny. I think she was just glad that we weren't at home. I have a feeling she wouldn't have thought it was so funny if we had been. When we got home Harley, Sebastian and Rufus all inspected me while I was in the car carrier. I think they were just making sure that I was okay.
This afternoon I went downtown with Daddy and Mommy. We went to meet Daddy's friend Jack Fink, went by Mommy's office and went to Daddy's office. I met all of Daddy's employees. They all stopped working to coo over me. I decided that they needed to get busy and "yelled" at all of them. Guess what though, they all went back to work. This junior executive gig I have is pretty cool. I wonder if they will give me stock! I got more presents again today from Uncle Carl and Auntie Kay. Daddy says I am going to have to learn to call Auntie Kay, Auntie Cash. Mommy didn't think that was very funny.
Anyways, I am pretty fussy tonight. Mommy thinks it is going to be a long night! I am sure she will survive though.
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Victory Is Mine!!
I have completely won my puppy Harley over! Since it was just Mommy and me today, Harley decided that she would need to help look after me. Anytime I made the smallest peep Harley would investigate to make sure I am okay. She no longer minds that I have assumed the real power in the house. I assured her that she still wields a pretty big stick around here.
Daddy had to go to the office today so that he can make lots of money to buy me lots of things. Mommy was amazed by Daddy's morning antics today. Mommy and I were taking a nap on the couch while Daddy managed to sleep for fifteen minutes with the alarm blaring. Mommy was agitated because he just kept sleeping and it woke her up instead. I thought it was cute though! Mommy yelled his name a couple of times and he still didn't get up. She finally had to put me down in order to get Daddy and the alarm. Daddy felt bad though when Mommy announced that she was just glad that she wasn't having an emergency with me while he was ignoring her calls to him.
Mommy is adjusting to staying at home. I think she got a little bit stir crazy but I am sure that she is going to turn out just fine. She wasn't too impressed this afternoon when I decided to pee across the living room. Ha! I thought it was hilarious!
This evening Auntie Norma came by to fuss over me. Lynn and Jackson (y'all remember them don't you?) also came by to meet me for the very first time. I sure liked meeting them. I am sure I will be seeing lots of them in the future. Any way, it was a pretty quiet day.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Eeew!!! That Came Off Me????
Daddy had to get Mommy to help him with me last night. I had decided to let off the brakes last night. Daddy says I have a great set of lungs. Mommy took care of the problem and Daddy vowed to learn where all my stuff is and exactly what each item does. Rufus got into trouble last night too because he decided it was time to find out what the interior of my bassinet looked like. Fear not though, I was hanging out with my Daddy in the living room when Rufus made the leap. Rufus knew he was busted when Mommy sat straight up from her sleep and said Rufus. Mommy said Rufus had an "Rut Row" look on his face and quickly ran out of the room. Mommy says if I would have been in the bassinet I would have been squished by Rufus. Mommy is now seeing what every one else has seen for ages...Rufus is a fatty!!
It has been a very busy day for me. I have all the women just fussing over me again. I think the front door is actually a revolving door. Today I got to meet Sommer, Amanda and their Mom (Ms. Sharon). I also got to see Auntie Alicia again only this time she brought her son Will with her. My godparents also came to see me again. I also met my some of my other neighbors today (Mr. Chad, Ms. Trina, Bella and Braxton(. I feel like a very lucky boy to have so many people who are very interested in meeting and fussing over me.
I have huge news though, the remnants of my umbilical cord fell off tonight. Daddy, Auntie Kay and Uncle Carl were most impressed. Mommy thought it was gross and won't miss seeing it. Daddy said that they should keep it for my baby book. Mommy said that he was just silly and to properly dispose of it. Daddy also thought we should take a picture of it and put it on the blog. Mommy said that would be way uncool!
Well, I have to go and get my rest because I plan on having a 3 a.m. party tonight!!
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Mommy Gets a Clue!
My second night home went really well. Aunt Lili and Joey had to go home this morning because Aunt Lili has to go to work tomorrow and today is her and Uncle Frank's anniversary. I am sure one day I will understand why work and special days are more important than me. I am sure that I will be seeing them real soon because I am simply irresistible. I am looking forward to meeting Uncle Frank and Jesse (everyone remember Jesse? He was at Mommy and Daddy's house when it was learned that I am a boy!)
Anyway, Mommy and Daddy did a great job taking care of me last night. Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim came over today along with Grandpa Len and Grandma Bev. They got to fuss over me a whole lot. Then I got to meet two of my neighbors, Ms. Toni and her daughter Italy.
I am really enjoying everyone fussing over me. Mommy says there are a zillion reasons why I should be fussed over. She also assures me that all of the reasons are good ones.
Mommy finally got a clue and learned how to safely extract the pictures (of course not the ones she deleted) and put them on the computer. This is one of the better pictures of me. Mommy says that if I am not a very good boy she is going to put one of my bath time pictures on the blog.
Well I have to go...I think some of my fans are wanting my attention. Baby kisses at you!
Friday, December 02, 2005
First Night Home and Mommy Gets Traumatized!
My first night home went really well. Harley decided that I could stay after all because she worried for me every time I made even the smallest peep. Mommy and Daddy both would wake up when I needed something. Eventually they will learn to take turns and let the other sleep.
Mommy was up and ready for the day by 7:30. Daddy on the other hand slept until 11 a.m. I spent a good deal of time cuddled up to Joey today. He is one of the best cousins a boy could ever have! Aunt Patty, Uncle Lenny and my cousins Jessica and Ryan came over today too. Aunt Patty held me a whole lot! I made a mountain of laundry for Mommy. I am trying to see how many tons of laundry I can make before Mommy decides it is not cute. Mommy seems to think that babies should come with hats that fit, an extra large washer and a high speed dryer.
As I mentioned earlier, I have a story to tell about all my pictures. Mommy tried to transfer the many pictures she had in her camera of me and everyone at the hospital onto her computer so she could email everyone pictures of me. Much to her horror, she inadvertently (yeah I know, such a big word from a 3 day old) hit a wrong button and all of her pictures were deleted. I am not sure she will ever fully recover from this incident. Daddy tried to console her but his efforts to do so were unsuccessful especially since he also stated that he was glad that he wasn't the one to delete the pictures. Anyway, Mommy called everyone who took pictures at the hospital in order to get copies of the pictures so that all will not be lost. Fortunately, Mommy had printed out some pictures while at the hospital, so she has some special ones. In any event, no one be fooled by the "Kodak Easy Share" apparently it is not as "Easy" as they proclaim (yeah I know, another big word but I am already ready to enroll at Harvard University).
Anyways, everyone should be happy to know that I have mastered the technique of getting the ladies to eat out my hand. What can I say, the women can't help but love me (the men too but only differently).
The Adventure Begins
Mommy and Daddy did a great job taking care of me last night. This morning more tests were run on me to make sure that everything was okay. The pediatrician thought I looked a little yellow and ran some tests to decide whether or not I needed to be placed under a UV light. This made Mommy and Daddy worried. The doctor was suppose to circumcise me this morning but decided to wait til after lunch to do so. Mommy and Daddy went to visit with my biological parents while I was in the nursery. Since Mommy hadn't heard back from the pediatrician by early afternoon she decided that either she or Daddy needed to go home and get me some more clothes in the event that I had to stay in the hospital another night. Daddy said he wasn't going because he would end up bringing the wrong things and then he would be in trouble with Mommy. So Mommy went home to gather some more of my clothes but Daddy called her as soon as she got there and told her that I had been circumcised and I was ready to go home just as soon as the lab tests came back. Guess what! I passed all my tests.
Daddy was really nervous driving me home. Mommy says it has something to do with the mailman. Any way, Uncle Lenny was waiting for me when I got home. He left though to get my Aunt Lili and cousin Joey from the airport.