My Wardens let me have an overnight furlough last night! I got to sleep over at Uncle Fester and Aunt Patty's house!! There wasn't even an emergency situation that required me to pack an overnight bag...I got to sleep over just because!!! I got my Christmas presents from them too. I got an airplane, two shirts (with airplanes on them) and jeans!!! Uncle Fester picked out my outfits and Mommy even had to admit that he did a great job!! Thanks Uncle Fester, Aunt Patty, Ryan and Jessica!!!
Anyway, back to my sleep over...I got to play with Dexter the puppy!! He was pretty cool except when he barked at me! I would have to tell him to "shut up" because I didn't like him yelling at me. I got to hang out with My Jessica and we watched Pablo together!! I woke Aunt Patty up at 2:45 because I was hungry! Can you believe it, she actually got me what I wanted!! What an Aunt!!! Mommy and Daddy showed up this morning to get me. I am sure they missed me!!!
Well, I had a blast and I sure hope they let me come back sometime!! Thanks for everything Uncle Fester, Aunt Patty, Ryan and Jessica!!
Sunday, December 30, 2007
I Got An Overnight Furlough!!!
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Don't Believe the Myth!! Santa Remembers Even the Naughtiest Boys!!!
Choo Choo Trains!!!
I even got a train track!!!
Anyway, I had a great Christmas! Thanks everyone!!!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Terrible Twos!!! The Drama Continues!!!
I think I want to be one again because being two hasn't been any fun at all. First I lost my Grandpa Jim then I got sick sick sick! It all started last Saturday night when I told Mommy that my eye hurt. The doctor thought I had pink eye so I went to hang out with Aunt kay and Uncle Carl on Monday. Then right before Mommy got there I started running a fever. I was hot hot hot all night and my tummy was upset too. Poor Mommy she had to keep doing laundry all night. I got to hang out with Mommy all day Tuesday. She took me to the doctor (I was suppose to go for my two year old check up but Mommy converted it to a sick call--how convenient)! Anyway, I have a virus that has to run its course and possibly a sinus infection. We got a lecture because I won't give up my morning and nite nite bottle. Mommy told the doctor that giving up the bottle is my New Year's resolution. Well see. In any event, I am 35 3/8 inches tall and doing well.
I went to hang out with Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl again Wednesday. I had a blast and am a very lucky boy to have them as godparents. Mommy stayed with me Thursday. My fever came back with a vengenance on Thursday evening so I had to make another trip to the emergency room so the doctor and nurse could poke and prod me again. Daddy took care of me on Friday. The house was a disaster when Mommy got home so she is convinced that I am on the road to recovery. I think she may be right.
We learned Thursday that Warden Kristy is abandoning me and so is my regular Warden (Mommy isn't too tore up over that). I don't know how I am going to manage without Warden Kristy because she has been my security blanket for a long time. Not only that but that means one of my best buddies (Hayden) is leaving too. They just better not take Jake with them.
Anyway, being two hasn't been fun at all. I think I need My Joey to come see me. I am a man in crisis.
Monday, December 10, 2007
Terrible Twos!!! Bye Bye Grandpa Jim!!

My last picture of Granpa Jim (taken at my 2nd birthday party--Why didn't Mommy take a better picture??)
I now understand why they call it "Terrible Twos!" My "two" got off to a horrible start--I lost my Grandpa Jim last Monday night!! I knew something was terribly wrong when Mommy and Daddy woke me up in the middle of the night, took my "blanky" and "pilly" (pillow) to take me to Uncle Fester's and Aunt Patty. I tried to make the best of the situation by entertaining Uncle Fester, Aunt Patty and My Jessica. Uncle Fester said that Aunt Patty and I had a snore fest and that I am a bed hog. Dude---Am Not!!!
Aunt Patty took me to work with her that morning and then she took me to the Baby Penitentiary! Guess what, Aunt Patty picked me up and got me a happy meal!!! Is she the best or what?? Mommy came back home Tuesday night and took me to Grandma Dale's so I could be reunited with Daddy and be there for Grandma Dale. Call me crazy, but I think Uncle Fester was actually ready for me to go!! He looked a little worn out by the time Mommy got there.
I am happy to report that I was a very good boy the whole way there. Mommy was worried about venturing off in the dark with me that far. I may be two but I am not dumb. I knew that I was expected to be the man of the car and not cause any problems for Mommy!! Aunt Terri, Uncle Tom, Jake and Brooke were there too! I have to admit that I cheated on Jessica....I loved playing with Brooke and copying everything she did. Sorry Jessica...I needed a chick fix. Anyways, I got to see all kinds of people at Grandma's house.
Thursday we all said bye-bye to Grandpa Jim. Uncle Fester and Aunt Patty came all the way to sit with me in the church so I didn't cause a huge disturbance. I got to see Grandpa Len and Granny Bev (I think she may still be crying), Uncle Carl, Aunt Kay, Uncle Jerry and Auntie Norma and a host of other people and family members. I had so many of my favorite people around I didn't know what to do! I am happy to report that I was very well behaved!! Okay, except for spitting out the macaroni and cheese in the church dining hall! What can I wasn't very good.
Anyway, I am going to miss my Grandpa Jim. I am glad that I didn't get banned from the services because I got to say bye bye to Grandpa Jim. I didn't know Grandpa Jim for very long but I know I am going to miss my Grandpa Jim because he was one of the bestest Grandpas ever.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Toys Up the Wazoo's Wazoo!!!
Joey and me reconfiguring the wagon!
Aunt Lili and me---Don't we look alike???
All I can say about my Backyardigans birthday bash is -- Oh My!!! My Joey and Aunt Lili flew all the way here again just to bring me presents!! (I missed out on my Uncle F.O. and Jesse). I got a new hockey stick, hockey balls, and an official Dallas Stars hockey jersey. I am going to play hockey like My Joey and Jesse when I get bigger!!! Grandpa Jim and Grandma Dale came by also to bring me a sound stage as a present!! Grandpa Len and Granny Bev brought me a new bike!! Uncle Fester, Aunt Patty, Ryan and My Jessica got me a new outfit (my cleaning babe was adamant that I not get anymore toys---TOO BAD!) Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl got me the bestest wagon ever---I even pulled Mommy down the drive way in it. Uncle Jerry and Auntie Norma got me the coolest Tonka truck!!! (Uncle Jerry picked it out because Auntie Norma does not know how to pick out cool big boy toys. Thanks for watching my back Uncle Jerry--again!! Let's not forget about the pumpkin at Halloween.) Miss Rita got me a phonic alphabet set for the refrigerator. I get to pick a present at the store from Uncle Tom, Aunt Terri, Jake and Brooke. Last but not least...I got a great easel from Sommer and Amanda so I can write, color and paint all over Mommy's walls. Mommy says that when I color and paint on the walls those two are going to be over here repainting. Big hugs and kisses to all and a tons of thanks!!!
Anyway, Mommy and Daddy have decided that my toy situation has gone from ridiculous to extremely absurd. Much to the pleasure of My Jessica, Mommy has ousted about half my toys from the house. She bagged up the half that I don't really use anymore and put it in the attic. I am going to yard sale them one day so I can buy more toys!!!
Well thanks everyone!!! Big kisses and hugs!!
Me and My Shadow!!!
Just like Peter Pan, I finally discovered my shadow. Everyone was laughing at me because I wasn't too keen on having something follow my every move! I am glad everyone can laugh at my expense!!