Daddy deserted us---well kind of! Daddy had to leave Thursday night because Grandma Dale had a big big boo-boo and needed to have surgery Friday morning. So Daddy did what any good son would do, ditched his wife, kid and dog and ran off to take care of Mommy! (I really don't mean to sound sarcastic---I really do understand the importance of taking care of Mommies) Since Daddy was gone, it was my responsibility to keep Mommy safe. One executive decision I made was to ship Bella off to Uncle Carl's house...well, maybe it was Daddy and Mommy's idea. Daddy was worried that having Bella and me would definitely put Mommy in an early grave--her allergies have her hacking like there is no tomorrow. Plus, Mommy has been having to work late and she wouldn't be able to pick Bella up from the doggy penitentiary before it closes, which would leave Bella in the slammer through the weekend.
Anyway, I did a real good job off taking care of Mommy and Sebastian and Rufus helped too. For my part, I hogged the whole bed Thursday night. Sebastian and Rufus both growled at something outside the window for a very long time---Mommy never did figure out what it was. I kept sleeping because I figured Sebastian and Rufus had it under control. Mommy took me to the Baby Penitentiary Friday morning---something she hasn't done in a very long time. All the prison guards were surprised to see Mommy since she has not taken me to school in FOREVER!! Anyway, Mommy got me a breakfast from Burger King to soften our parting at the Baby Penitentiary---apparently she still has vivid memories of the morning guilt trips I used to put on her. Mommy had forgotten what an ordeal it is to get me out the door and safely deposited in the Baby Penitentiary and is extremely grateful that Daddy has taken over this duty and even more grateful that despite all of my antics, he continues to maintain this duty!
Mommy and I had some Friday night fun. We even called Daddy over the computer so I could see his face! Guess who else's face I got to see??? I got to see Grandma, who was up and moving around, and Aunt Teri!! I talked to Daddy and Grandma over the computer but I was being rude and did not talk to Aunt Teri.
Saturday I escorted Mommy to Grandma's house so I could see in person that she was okay! Sure enough, Aunt Teri and Daddy did a good job taking care of Grandma and she seemed to be in good spirits. I think Mommy was worried that I was going to be a dufus and bump Grandma's shoulder. I may be three but I can tell when someone has a big big boo-boo. To make up for my rudeness, I was very chatty with Aunt Teri. Mommy and I stayed a few hours and then we drove back home so I could resume "Man of the House" duties.
I got to see Jessica today. I think she got done with her job a lot quicker than normal...maybe it had something to do with me not being under foot the whole time. Anyway, Daddy came home this afternoon and we are spending some quality time together. Bella will be home tomorrow and I can't wait!!!
Well that is all for now! Oh wait, no it is not...My BFF Carter is getting placed in a different Baby Penitentiary. I want to go to a new school with Carter but Mommy won't let me. Someone needs to tell Mommy that I have to go to a new school with Carter because he is my BFF. I realize I have my BFF Jeter but he ain't Carter!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Man of the House!!!
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Little Mr. Smarty Pants!!!
I have some extremely important news. I have been refusing to "poop" on the potty. So Mommy upped the ante and purchased a big boy choo-choo set, showed it to me, let me drool over it and then she put it away. After weeks of pleading, kicking and screaming I finally did what I was suppose to do and I received my big boy choo-choo!!! The best part is that it was entirely of my own volition! Yay me!
The euphoria over my accomplishment quickly ended the next day when I went back to my standard refusal. When Daddy fussed at me, I said to him rather smartly, "I already got my choo-choo!" Daddy told Mommy what I did and said and she asked Daddy if he took back the choo-choo! It occurred to Daddy that he didn't think about doing that. There in lies the problem--Mommy always has to meddle and plant ideas in Daddy's head as to ways to get even with me or to get the upper hand. I don't see anything wrong with me and Daddy's current emotional and intellectual IQ---me being happy and outsmarting my super smart Daddy but Mommy has to go and think up ways to lower my position. Mommy just needs to leave us boys alone!!!
In any event, I got to go to work Thursday rather than the Baby Penitentiary. Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl came up with a super great Easter Egg hunt for me. I got a zillion eggs with treats in them! I have the best godparents a boy could ever have!
I am becoming quite the conscientious "Mama's Boy." The other night, Daddy accidentally stepped on Mommy's hand causing her to yell (no everyone---not at Daddy, she knew it was an accident)! I started to cry hysterically and yell at Daddy for hurting Mommy's hand. Mommy and Daddy tried to explain it was an accident and that everything was okay. I would not stop having a fit until Daddy admitted that he did it on purpose, kiss Mommy's hand, say sorry and give Mommy a hug. I am always having to fuss at Daddy when he and Mommy are joking around and I perceive that Daddy isn't treating Mommy the way I think she should be treated. Doesn't Daddy get it, no one can hit my Mommy but me!!! (Just kidding---well mostly)
Well that is all for now. I hope the Easter Bunny brings every one a bunch of eggs. Hoppy Easter!!!
Wednesday, April 08, 2009
Oopsie Daisy!!!
Tonight I made the biggest mistake a three year old can make---I actually responded to Mommy's directive by saying "Whatever!!" I was bright enough to realize my mistake and promptly stated "Oopsie Daisy!" You know that Mommy didn't think my banter was nearly as funny as Daddy did. I am very grateful that Daddy's antics deflected the attention from me and my shenanigans. I might think twice about responding "whatever" to Mommy ever again. Something tells me my luck will be a lot better throwing it out at Daddy than Mommy. Oh well, a boy has to test his boundaries!!!
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Easter Egg Hunting--The Practice Session!!

I had a great weekend!! Mommy and Daddy took me to a practice session of Easter Egg hunting by taking me to the Clinton library's annual Easter Egg hunt. Daddy got into trouble (as usual) because he told me we were going to find eggs and throw them at the Easter Bunny. Mommy was very upset with Daddy when I woke up Saturday morning and told Mommy we had to hurry up so we could go throw eggs at the Easter Bunny. Mommy quickly and sternly explained to me that we were not to throw anything at the Easter Bunny. Daddy got a good lecture about planting ideas into my impressionable little brain. Shame on him!!!
I was real excited to go to the great Easter Egg hunt. There were eggs everywhere!! I was only allowed to have six eggs so there would be enough eggs for all the other kids. I was more than happy to abide by the rules. Shame on all those scoundrels that took more than their share!! Their parents are pathetic!!! We waited in line to get our picture taken with the Easter Bunny but when it was finally our turn, I decided that the Easter Bunny was the creepiest thing I have ever seen and let it be known that I would throw an absolute FIT if anyone got the wise idea to place me on his lap. Mommy thought about it but decided that I was scaring all of the other kids so she didn't make me face my fear of the Easter Bunny. Whew!! Naturally, I got my choo-choo ride before we left. I just love riding the choo-choo!!
I finally got Mommy to replace the bubble lawn mower she ran over last year. I picked it up off the shelf at Wally Mart and gave Mommy a look that said "you owe me." Mommy told me that it was my fault that she ran over it because I didn't put it where it belonged and then said let that be a lesson to me. I think that should be a lesson for her!!! She also got me an airplane that flew all over the place. Daddy doesn't like it very much because he had to keep going up on the roof to fetch it! Maybe we will try it out when it is not as windy!!
Today, I got to have breakfast with Grandpa Len and Granny Bev. I finally had to give them hugs and kisses because the gave me something for my piggy bank! Thanks you two!! This afternoon Daddy and I went on a special mission. I have been begging for weeks to try out the playground at Burger King. Since I have been a real good boy, Daddy took me to try it out.
Well that was my weekend!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
Aunt Patty Yelled At Me!!!
Sorry folks, my secretary sure is lazy! Nothing really happened last month that was notable enough to get my secretary back on the job. Mainly just school, play, sleep, and repeat.
Guess what I got?? I got two "pink" choo-choos and some aquarium choo-choos!!! I really wanted a pink choo-choo. I had told Sommer on the phone that I wanted a pink choo-choo. She said okay but the next day I still didn't have my pink choo-choo. So I told Mommy that these two guys had taken my tree and my presents. I was real convincing. I also told Mommy that one of the presents that was taken was my pink choo-choo (the other was my BIG BIG pink bridge). Mommy was really impressed with my ability to fabricate a very detailed story. She questioned me about it over the next couple of days and I stuck to my story. I eventually identified the two guys as Uncle Fester and Dadddy. I don't think they appreciate my pink phase. In any event, Sommer and her Mommy got me the choo-choos. Thanks you two!!!! I love my pink choo-choos!!
I got to go on a sleep over last Saturday and Uncle Fester, Aunt Patty, Ryan, Jessica and Dexter's house because Mommy and Daddy went to a wedding. I had a blast over there chasing my buddy Dexter and playing video games--I got to play the drums!!! Aunt Patty hurt my feelings though. I was busy yelling at her and I wouldn't stop when she asked me to, so she told me that she could scream louder than me and was willing to do it if I didn't stop screaming. Guess what--she can scream louder than me!!! Guess I won't try the screaming tactic again with Aunt Patty!!! Dude was a bed hog and he snores--even louder than Aunt Patty can scream!
Bella had doggy lessons but if you ask me, the lessons aren't sticking! That's okay though because she is my digging buddy. We like trying to dig our way to China in the sand out back. I am not sure what we will do when we get there but I think we have time to decide what to do!
Well that is all for now!