Pool Side Seating!!

My big boy pool is officially done!!! Yay!!! I have been having a blast with my new big boy pool. Everyone has been coming over to take a dip in my new pool. I ought to charge admission---I could be rich!! Uncle Carl is a super diver! He was doing all kinds of flips, dives and cannon balls. He just cracked me up with his antics. I sure hope one day he will teach me all the fancy pool moves.
Aunt Patty and Uncle Dude came to babysit me last Friday night while Mommy and Daddy went on a date. I had my first official "My parents are gone--Let's Party" party while they were gone. Ryan was here and Jessica came over too (oh yeah and her "boyfriend") to swim in the pool. Guess what??? They got me to wear my life vest! Each played a vital role in getting me to wear the vest. Aunt Patty wouldn't let me go swimming with Uncle Dude unless I put the vest on, Dude wouldn't let me swim with him unless I zipped it and Ryan got me to strap the leg straps. Mommy and Daddy were most impressed upon learning that I actually cooperated in that area. Of course Aunt Patty and them were smart enough to take pictures as proof!
I got sick on Saturday. I was running a fever, my back hurt and my tummy hurt. Eventually I started wailing when going potty and told Mommy that I needed to go find Dr. Weed. That got me a trip to the ER. I am pretty sure that I would have ended up there solely for the wailing while pottying event would have earned me a trip since the doctor's office was closed and I was declaring that it hurt to go pee. Throwing in the Dr. Weed comment just cinched the deal. When we got there, I declared that I didn't want to be there because it wasn't Dr. Weed's office. Mommy lied to me because she said they would find him for me. Guess what? THEY DIDN"T!!! I can't believe Mommy lied. Well, they checked me over really well and declared me to be okay as far as the scary possibilities were concerned.
I had to stay home from the Baby Penitentiary on Monday and Tuesday because I was still feverish. Not to mention a follow up with my real doctor on Monday. Once again Mommy failed me, she did not secure an appointment with Dr. Weed. While we were waiting for the doctor to see me I kept telling Mommy I wanted Dr. Weed. Mommy said he was busy seeing other boys and I had to see the other doctor (who I like too). I was adamant about seeing Dr. Weed, so Mommy finally told me that I was free to go tell the nurses that I refuse to see anyone but Dr. Weed. I started to go tell the nurses but Mommy refused to go with me. We decided to wait until the doctor came in the exam room and I would just declare my wishes to her. Of course I chickened out! Oh well. Mommy did assure me that she did try to get the doctor of my wishes and will continue to do so in the future but sometimes I just have to take what I can get. Mommy also told me not to be too fixed on Dr. Weed because it sounds creepy.
I returned to the Baby Penitentiary today. Mommy said that since I was officially well enough to drive her crazy yesterday afternoon that I was well enough to drive the wardens crazy. Hmmm...I think she really released me because my fever was gone. After all, I was driving her nuts with the Wonder Pets and Train DVDs all weekend and she didn't banish me.
Well that is all for now. This weekend I get to go see Grandma, Aunt Terri, Uncle Tom, Jake and Brooke. I can't wait!!!