I cannot believe that my secretary went this long without updating my blog. I really ought to get me a new secretary! Well, where should I begin??
It turns out that Santa thought that I was a very good boy last year because he visited me at school, video called me on Skype and came to my house on Christmas Eve. Mommy did have to explain to me to not get my hopes up at school about Santa bringing me the HO train set from Target because the school Santa only brings books. Turns out Mommy was right--I got 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Turns out that Santa didn't want to chance catching double pink eye from Mommy so he Skyped me instead. Guess what? Santa really is magic. He told me that he left me a present by my beloved vacuum cleaner. Guess what? I ran to the closet that my vacuum lives in and there was a train set! Santa Rocks!!! The bestest gift though was the present that Santa brought me while I was sleeping on Christmas Eve. Mommy and Daddy assured me that if Santa thought I was a really good boy all year long he just might bring me the big wow HO train set I threw such a huge fit over in Target. (Yes, it was a super huge screaming bloody murder fit--I did apologize the next day over the fit because I didn't get any toy that day because of it. Mommy is mean though because the very next day she made me walk by the train set while we were trying to locate the toy she authorized me getting the day before. I am happy to report though that I did not throw a fit and merely told Mommy that Santa would bring me that train set if I were a good boy. Unfortunately for me though, Mommy made me walk past that train set every time we went Target from that day forward. I was really sad the day we walked past the spot and the last train set was gone.) Fortunately for me, Santa felt that I was a really good boy all year long because my big wow HO train set at Target was waiting for me!
I got another great train set for Christmas too. I got a super fast train set from Grandpa and Granny Bev. I am not allowed to break it though! I got all kinds of other trains and accessories. I got some clothes but I wasn't at all impressed with them. Mommy is sad about that, I use to at least fake an oooooohh and an awwwwww when I opened clothes, now I just toss them aside and say "oh clothes!" Thanks everyone for making my Christmas a very Trainy Christmas.
Mommy had double viral pink eye for ten days over Christmas. She looked horrible and we banished her to the garage apartment. Daddy and I had complete run of the house. Mommy did come down at one point because I was bossing Daddy around. I explained to Mommy that I was in charge and that she needed to go back to her "sick room". Mommy just stared at me for a minute then explained to me that I was going to have a hard time adjusting to reality when she got out of the sick room. Ha! I enjoyed my reign of terror while it lasted. Daddy did great and we left each other in one piece.
Mommy and I welcomed in the New Year by falling into a deep sleep by nine o'clock. What can we say, we are morning people! I think Daddy and Sebastian were the only ones up at the New Year. Oh well, Mommy and I partied the on New Year's by entertaining Grandpa and Granny Bev when they came over for lunch.
Mommy and Daddy took me to Grandma Dale's for a belated Christmas (turns out Mommy may as well have been a leper because nobody wanted her around them with those eyes!) Guess what Grandma got me??? Yep, you guessed it---I got a train. Ha! I sure love trains.
Well, this past weekend I went to Baby Jacob's first birthday party. Guess what? He isn't a baby anymore. He is the big ONE and is moving around all on his own. I had a blast at Jacob's party and I got to help open his presents and blow out his candle. Thanks Ms. Courtney and Ms. Courtney's Mommy. (My own Mommy wasn't too understanding about me wanting to help after all, the memory is fresh in her mind about my tantrum about having to open my own presents and blow out my candles at my party. All I can say is, it was my party and I could have a tantrum if I wanted to.)
I guess that is all for now.
Sneak Peak at my Christmas
14 years ago