Oh what a weekend and way to start the week. I was well enough Friday to go to Baby Jail but when Mommy walked in the door Ms. Charlotte told her that she might not want me to stay because people have been sick. Mommy called Daddy and I got to go to work with Daddy. Yay!!
Anyways, Friday night I started to have some problems with my bowels (again!). Mommy took me to the doctor again Saturday morning and she gave me antibiotics. Now this spurred a chain of events that Mommy is highly suspect of (not the first time she accused me of wrong doing in this area). Anyway, I started having belly problems after getting my medicine (after a heated battle with Mommy...she won that battle but you can decide later who really won). My problems continued when Mommy gave me my medicine the next morning (yep, after another heated battle) so Mommy and Daddy took me the emergency room the next morning because I decided to keep sending anything Mommy gave me right back at her. The doctors said I was well hydrated but decided to give me an IV with my medicine just to head off any other problems. Did it work?? No.....My tummy troubles persisted so the nurse told Mommy to bring me back to the emergency room later that night. You know, the emergency room is a very scary place in the middle of the night...Mommy was worried about the safety and peace of mind of everyone there because some maniac was there who had taken some bad bad candy. Anyways, the doctors decided to admit me to the hospital because they were worried that I would eventually become dehydrated because I was refusing to eat or drink pedalyte (have you tasted it?? It is disgusting).
Anyways, they finally put us in a room around 5 a.m. and I was not at all happy. All anyone did was poke and prod me. I was perfectly happy playing with Mommy and Daddy until those morons decide to poke and prod me. Seems like everyone who came near me had to poke and prod me. Do you realize how many nurses and doctors I had to do battle with??? The general consensus is that I am a very strong and extremely willful 5 month old! The doctor decided to give me the medicine that I was prescribed to make sure that I wasn't reacting to the medicine. I don't know why they have to mess with me and give me medicine!! Mommy and Daddy got to stay in my room with me. Daddy said that I acted like I was on vacation the whole time. I was having a great time playing and talking with everyone who came to see me. Mommy and Daddy said that there are better vacation destinations out there. Well I had a blast there even if Mommy and Daddy didn't. Anyway, the night nurse finally realized that Mommy was telling the truth when she said that I would not take my medicine without a huge fight and that she would be extremely lucky if I didn't send it and everything else right back at her after she gave it to me. The nurse finally outsmarted me by using a spoon (kinda). I think she liked me after that though because she had to try different techniques and she knew I was sitting there calculating her next step.
Anyways, they let me go home Tuesday. The doctor in charge came to talk to me to tell me I could go home. Daddy was proud because the doctor had heard through the grapevine that I am very willful! After getting home, I got an upset tummy shortly after we arrived (Mommy has a theory about this that I will address down below). I was so excited to see Sebastian and was giddy with joy to see Rufus. I sure missed him while I was gone! I was still doing battle with Mommy over my medicine. Sent it all back to her two times in a row. Mommy told me to get it together because she wouldn't have any qualms whatsoever about taking me to the doctor every day to get my medicine in shot form if necessary. She told me to take the night to think about it. Earlier today, Mommy decided she would let me have a treat...apple sauce. Well since Nurse Ratchet used a spoon, I am now opposed to spoons! I must have had a mental break because I swear that the apple sauce was medicine because it was presented to me on a spoon. So what is a suspicious young lad to do?? Send the apple sauce and everything else in my tummy immediately back to Mommy. Mommy no longer cares if I have apple sauce or not!
I hanged out with Mommy all day Wednesday. She outsmarted me Wednesday with the medicine. I suspected that she was giving me medicine but I took it anyway. Anyhow, I entertained Mommy all day but talking to her, jumping on her, laughing at her and by giving her big cheesy grins anytime we made eye contact (which was quite often). Daddy tried the same medicine technique as Mommy. Did it work?? Well yes! Listen up, I may be a genius but every now and then those two do actually manage to outsmart me. Mommy is pretty sneaky you know.
Today I went to Kaycare. I had an absolute blast at work today! Mommy and Daddy have decided that I can be on an extended vacation from Baby Jail until we get back from vacation. Which means that I don't have to go to Baby Jail for two and a half weeks! I don't know how Ms. Charlotte and Charles are going to get along with out me.
Now the source of my vomiting. Mommy has a theory about that and it just may be a viable theory. I picked up salmonella somewhere. The doctors are pretty sure that Mommy and Daddy didn't give it to me, so I could have gotten it in Baby Jail, a restaurant, a store or any where else people with bad hygiene habits may roam. I was getting better until I started vomiting this past weekend. Oh yeah, Mommy's theory. Well Daddy hooked up a new air cleaner Thursday. When Mommy got home Friday, she noticed a "bleachy" smell in the air. She knew this was from the air cleaner because it produces ozone to clean the air. Well she turned it down to eliminate the odor and told Daddy about it when he got home. Daddy reset the air cleaner to prevent it from making too much ozone. Of course I started getting upset tummies Saturday night and Sunday morning and again Sunday night. When we got home from the hospital Tuesday, Mommy noticed the "bleachy" smell again and it was very strong. She turned off the air cleaner and opened the windows to air out the house. Of course, I got an upset tummy within an hour of being home. However, I have not had an unexplained upset tummy since then (yeah, all my other ones seemed to be an intentional act to expel medicine and apple sauce---which I thought was medicine). Since I didn't vomit at the hospital or anywhere in between, Mommy is pretty sure that the air cleaner was making me sick. She will test this theory with the doctor at my follow up appointment. It goes without saying that Mommy and Daddy will never use that air cleaner again. The doctor may think Mommy is nuts and shouldn't try to think so much, I personally think that she hit the nail on the head.
Anyway, I wanted to let everyone know that I feel fantastic. My bottom issues are resolving quite nicely and my vomiting has disappeared (thanks Mommy).
Sneak Peak at my Christmas
14 years ago
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