Saturday, April 28, 2007

Uncle Fester To The Rescue--Again!!!

My goodness, I do believe that my parents are defective!!! Daddy hurt all five fingers yesterday on the table saw while Mommy was at work and I was locked up in the Baby Penitentiary!!! Mommy had to get Uncle Fester to come rescue me and take care of me while she went to meet Daddy at the emergency room! I think Daddy was just jealous that Mommy and I were sick and he was feeling left out!! He got stitches in two fingers because they were really deep went to the bone. The other three are mangled but didn't need stitches! The doctor thinks he is going to lose his finger nails...ewwww! Mommy is still injured from all her coughing but I am not cutting her any slack. Even though her muscles are sore I love to make her pick me up..put me down...pick me up...etc.!! Maybe one day Mommy and Daddy won't be sickly or accident prone. Mommy says that she was perfectly healthy until I started bringing all the baby germs home from the Baby Penitentiary! Well I have news of my own. I got bit again yesterday!!! Yet, no one seem to think my injury was more severe than Daddy's. Heck, I didn't even think it was so severe so I didn't try to get too much sympathy!

Uncle Fester came by again today to play with me so Mommy could get some things done and to give her a break. What an Uncle!!! Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl stopped by today to check on Daddy and to play with me for a while. I had a blast dragging the two of them around the yard!

Well that is all for now. Oh yeah, Aunt Lili: Mommy says that you are coming to see me next weekend. I can't wait to see you!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Spoiled Spoiled Spoiled!!!

I am finally cured!!! I didn't have to go to the Baby Penitentiary all week last week because I was sick!!! I ran a fever until last Friday. Uncle Carl and Aunt Kay let me go to the office three times last week!! They are the bestest godparents a boy could have because they helped cure me!!! I had a blast playing with them. Mommy is still amazed that I can run a high fever yet be happy and have so much energy!!

I went back to the big boy class on Monday! I am glad though because I think I was forgetting how to be a big boy. I am happy to report that the class bully has decided to leave me alone. I think it finally dawned on him that while I may be the youngest in there I can kick some booty!!!

I am being a good boy to Mommy...well kind of. She has pulled her chest muscles from coughing so much. I try to keep that in mind but I couldn't help myself last night and pounded on her sore muscles. Sorry!!!

I am happy to report that I have made significant progress with Sebastian and Rufus. The other night while Mommy was holding Sebastian I walked up and planted kisses all over Sebastian's head, hugged him and patted him nicely. Mommy thought I did so well with Sebastian that she would get Rufus for me. I am happy to report that I was just as sweet with Rufus!! Sebastian and Rufus weren't sure about me when I first approached them and were very happy to find out that I can be sweet and gentle!!! Despite my niceness, they still won't willingly let me near them. That's okay though because eventually they are going to realize that I am a good and gentle boy!!

I went to work today. Uncle Carl and Aunt Kay took me to the toy store because they decided I needed some new stuff for the office! Guess what??? I got a new car, a Pablo guitar, a new ball and a pool toy!!!! Thanks Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl!!!! Daddy was there too. He got me a new Pablo DVD for the car!! Daddy even figured out how to use the DVD system in the car so I could watch the Backyardingans on the way home. While some may think that I am spoiled, I have to report that I am not spoiled. A spoiled child expects to get a bunch of toys and I don't expect all that stuff. Besides, a spoiled child wouldn't appreciate being surrounding by people who want a kid to have billions of toys. I can't help it that everyone wants to buy me things!! Anyways, I was having such a great day until Daddy stopped by the "ear lowerer" place on the way home. Mommy says that I look absolutely handsome with my ears lowered. If memory serves me correct she was telling me I was handsome yesterday and this morning when my ears weren't lowered. I suspect that she thinks I am extremely handsome regardless of what my hair looks like.

Well that's all for now!! Oh yeah, Where's Joey???

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

In Need Of A Home--One Mommy and One Buddy!!!

Easter Pictures!!!

Come Here You Silly Egg!!!

I Am Strong!!!

Checking Out My Booty!!! (Yes, the tongue helps the inspection process.)

I think Daddy is ready to set Mommy and me out on the curb!!! Mommy still is not back to 100% and I have been sick too!!! I have been running a fever since Sunday!! Daddy took care of me Monday (along with Uncle Carl and Aunt Kay) because Mommy was wore out from taking care of me on Sunday (Uncle Fester had to pitch in and help for a bit because Mommy was tired tired tired). Daddy even took me to the doctor to let him have a look at me. The doctor gave me Omnicef because I have a sinus infection. This is the same medicine that tried to kill Mommy last week and they expect me to take it??? Anyway, Daddy told Mommy that if she isn't good he is going to pour my medicine in her mouth while she's sleeping to see what happens! NOT NICE!!! Daddy has to give me my medicine because Mommy started itching just thinking about the medicine!!!

Mommy stayed home with me today because I was still running a fever. Mommy finally learned to appreciate nap time...she even took one with me. Being such a good boy, I took a longer nap so she could recharge her batteries before I began round two of my campaign of terror. We got stir crazy so we went to get a new pair of shoes for Mommy. Guess who got new shoes??? ME!!! That's right, I ended up with a brand new pair of Shoxx. Poor Mommy!!! Anyway, I am happy to report that I wore her out again today!!!

I don't know if I am going to finally grace the Baby Penitentiary with my presence tomorrow or go to work. Tomorrow is Daddy's day to take care of me because none of us think that she could survive another day with me in her current state!! She has to go to work to get some rest!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

What A Week!!!!

Guess what??? The Easter Bunny came to visit me Sunday!!! I got all kinds of goodies in my basket. Guess what else?? Uncle Fester, Aunt Patty, Jessica and Ryan came to see me and brought me Easter goodies and a Graduation Present! I got a wheel barrow and my own rake and shovel!! I just love my new toys!!! I went on an Easter egg hunt and found all my eggs (actually carrots and chicks in no time flat!) I also got to visit with my birth family for a little while. It was nice to see all of them again but my attention quickly turned when I saw that Uncle Fester came over!! What can I say, I love my Uncle Fester!!! (Not that I don't love everyone else but I am pretty big on Fester because we are the same age mentally!)

The big news!!! Mommy got really really sick Sunday night so Daddy was pretty much in charge of me. Daddy had to drive me to school on Monday because Mommy was dizzy! Mommy went with us but it took a lot out of her. I was scared in my new class but I remembered there was a door to the outside there so I grabbed my toast and tried to go outside but I couldn't open the door. Then some kid bit me on my very first day because I had a toy he wanted!!! Can you believe it??? Daddy came to pick me up because Mommy was sick sick sick. He even had to drive her to the doctor because she was that sick!!! Anyway, Mommy woke up long enough to say hi to me when I got home and to listen to Daddy tell her about my day!!

Now for traumatic Tuesday!!! Mommy was really really sick! She was more swollen than the day before and it hurt her throat to swallow!!! Daddy had to drive me to school again!!! Then he had to go home and take Mommy back to the doctor!! The doctor called Mommy and told her not to go to him but to go to a specialist he made arrangements for. Guess what??? That specialist took one look at Mommy and said she needed to be admitted to the hospital!!!! Apparently Mommy had a major reaction to the antibiotics she had been taking!!! Mommy was not happy about having to go to the hospital because that meant that she wouldn't be seeing me!!! Daddy made arrangements for Uncle Fester to come take care of me that night so he could go back to the hospital to be with Mommy for a while! Guess what??? I got bit again at school on Tuesday. That brat left a big mark on my arm but I didn't take his crap that day. I pushed him down for biting me! He tries that again and I am going to bust his booty!!! Mommy was quite happy to hear that I stood up for myself!!! Uncle Fester taught me how to hold my nose anytime he said "Stinky Boy." Mommy thought that was pretty cool.

The doctor made Mommy stay in the hospital on Wednesday too!!! Daddy sent me to the office with Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl so that I could have a day off from being bit. It worked out good though because we worked on a special book for Mommy because I wanted to tell her about how I felt about her being sick. Mommy was really really happy with my book and apparently it cured her because she started feeling much better and all her welts began to shrink!!! Uncle Fester came to take care of me again Wednesday night so Daddy could visit with Mommy in the hospital for a while! Once again I had a blast with Uncle Fester!!! He's the bestest Uncle a boy could ever get!!!

The doctor let Mommy out of the hospital today. Rumor has it that Mommy was going to leave whether or not he gave her the okay because she couldn't take another day in there!!! Guess what??? I was so happy to see Mommy when she came to pick me up at the Baby Penitentiary. I actually screamed out loud like a little girl and went running up to her and jumped in her arms!!!! I am also happy to report that I didn't get bit today. I guess that little brat learned that I wasn't going to take anything off of him!!! It is great to have Mommy home again. I just hope that she doesn't have any more problems with what ever it was that caused her to swell and itch!!! It makes me itchy just thinking about it!!!

Well that is all for now. Thanks again Uncle Fester for taking care of me while Mommy was away. You the Man Dude!!! Oh yeah, Mommy will put up some Easter pictures when she is up to full speed!!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Hurray For Me!!

Ho Ho's Rule!!

Now that my secretary has stopped dying from allergies she can update everyone as to my happenings. I have been busy bossing everyone around. Daddy has a work crew that comes over on the weekends to fix my backyard up, so I have to go around making sure that they are not messing things up too much. Uncle Fester comes over too and he lets me walk around with him. I have a lot of fun telling Uncle Fester what to pick up and carry around for me.

I managed to pull off a jail break last week. The Wardens called Mommy to say that I was sick and inconsolable. So Mommy came flying on down to the school and when she got there I was standing in my crib laughing. Mommy told the Wardens I didn't look very sick. I just cracked up. The Wardens looked rather embarrassed. Anyway, Mommy took me home and when we got there Daddy was still there and you should have seen the look on his face when he saw me just cutting up laughing in the car. Mommy one upped me though. You should have seen the look on my face when we pulled up at the doctor's office later in the day!!! Turns out that I have allergies too. Mommy and I really suffered!!!

Are you ready for my big news??? I am officially a BIG BOY!!! I graduated from the nursery to the BIG BOY class!!! I get to start my new class on Monday!! I had a trial run with that class yesterday and I had a blast! We get to go outside and play! I was so excited when Mommy picked me up yesterday and had to come outside to get me!!! Guess what else?? Jake is in that class too! I know the wardens in the other class are going to miss me because I helped them take care of the babies. Yup! That's right! Can you believe that they made me work in that room? It was my job to give the crying babies their chompies. The wardens don't know how I always managed to get the right chompy in the right baby's mouth. They may actually think that I was helping them but all I really wanted was for the babies to be quiet because they make so much noise I can't hear myself think!!

Grandpa Jim and Grandma Dale came to spend the night last weekend. I had a blast with Grandma Dale. She had all my noisy toys going at one time. She and I made a huge mess of all my toys. It was great!!! When we went to dinner we ran into Granny Hag (you know that lady from the last Baby Jail I was at...she is Charles' great grandmother). Anyway, she was pretty impressed with how grown I am! I wasn't too into Granny if I ever was. I was into the waitress though. She sure knows how to take good care of a boy!! I got all kinds of goodies from her. She was going to give me a balloon but Mommy explained that I get a little bit nervous around balloons...and tall people (what do you expect...I am short, Daddy is short and Mommy is almost short!!)

My new game is to throw things at Rufus. The other morning I managed to chuck my bottle at him. Mommy says its not very nice to be mean to Rufus. Anyway, it's hard for Mommy to say "No" to me lately because she has misplaced her voice. I AM NOT GOING TO HELP HER FIND IT!! Anyhow, nothing much has been going on. Oh yeah, I am big on shaking my head and saying "uh uh" lately. Anytime Mommy asks me a question I just shake my head and say "uh uh" no matter what it is she asks. For example..Want a cookie? Uh uh. Want a bottle? Uh uh. Want to go outside? Uh uh. Do you love Mommy? Uh uh. But my favorite...Do you love Daddy? Of course I lean over and give Daddy a kiss when she asks that!!! Mommy told me that I might want to reconsider my position on whether or not I love her because she is the one responsible for me having nice toys, treats and clothes. Ha! I am no fool I know that I will have all that stuff whether or not I openly admit that I love her! (I always want Mommy to rescue me from the Baby Penitentiary...if Daddy shows up with her I always give him the cold shoulder and only want Mommy....I have to keep things fair).

Mommy says that the Easter Bunny is coming to see me on Sunday. I will let you know how that goes!