Monday, September 03, 2007

The Return Of Joey!!!

My Joey and Me!!! (We have the same hair!)

Joey and Me Calling Girls!!!

Mommy and Daddy seem to think it is fun to mess with my head!!! I went to bed last night and it was just Mommy, Daddy, Sebastian, Rufus and me. I woke up this morning and noticed there were people sleeping on my couch. I wasn't sure if I was just seeing things or not so I pointed them out to Daddy. Daddy took me back to the bedroom so I could have my milk but I didn't want to be there!!! I grabbed my milk and stormed back into the living room, climbed into the recliner and demanded Pablo. This is my house and my routine!!! Turns out it was My Joey and Aunt Lili (who fell asleep there). Mommy and Daddy chased them off to a proper bed before I threw a huge fit. Daddy and I then did our normal thing...well, at least after I insisted that Mommy and me have our morning "coffee" together. Daddy took me on a major breakfast bonanza today (having company has its perks). We went to Burger King to get my tater tots and Daddy's turbo coffee, to the doughnut shop and then to Wally Mart!!

I got to hang out with Mommy, Daddy, Uncle F.O. and Aunt Lili this morning. So when I woke up from my nap I got really really angry because there were even more people in my house. People multiplied like gremlins!!! Joey was awake, Jesse came out of the man cave, Uncle Fester, Aunt Patty, Jessica and Ryan were there! I threw a big fit because I wasn't sure about having ended the day yesterday with my usual people, waking up the next morning with four more people and then waking up from my nap to discover four more people! I wasn't even happy about seeing My Jessica...that's how mad I was. Aunt Lili said that if she didn't witness my tantrum she never would have believed that I was capable of it.

Anyway, after a while I realized that the "more the merrier" is actually a good thing. I had a blast with My Joey! I got to go "weeeeeeeee" and play basketball with him. My Joey is the coolest cousin ever because while no one else would let me play with their phones, he let me use his phone for a long long time. He was trying to teach me how to say "lamborfeeti" (my current mode of transport--and apparently his too) but it was a little beyond my capability. I got to play with Ryan too. I have not seen Ryan for ages!! She played a whole lot with me. She eventually broke down and let me play with her phone too! Jesse was mean to me. He kept trying to fight with me and he wouldn't let me give him a kiss. He said guys don't kiss guys. Dude--I am not even two yet so I can kiss who ever I want--well unless they are my penitentiary buddies...then wouldn't be cool! Mommy tells me that is why Joey is our favorite because he doesn't try to fight me and let's me kiss him! (Just Kidding Jesse!!) Uncle Fester "loaded" me up with Mountain Dew again! I don't think that Mommy even bothers to get irritated about that anymore.

Well everyone went home tonight. I sure was nice to see everyone again! Mommy says that none of them will probably ever come back since I had such a fit. I had to remind Mommy that I was on my best behavior when they all left so everyone got to go home on a good note!! Well, I am exhausted it has been a busy busy weekend!!

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