Am I not the bestest looking fireman ever???

Had to say thanks to Auntie Norma for the goodies!!!
As usual, all my lady friends are fussing over me!!!
Why should I walk when I have Ca!!!
My backup babe Ryan was there for me too!!
This may have been my second Halloween but this was the first time I could truly appreciate what Halloween means to kids everywhere!! The Wardens decided that the inmates were such good inmates that we got to have a Halloween party! Mommy sent all kinds of cookies for my cell block (for some strange reason though she sent the kinds that I love most!)! Anyway, we all got to go to school wearing our costumes and we got all kinds of treats!! I even got a "pig out" for all the eating I managed to do at the party!!
After Mommy busted me out of the Baby Penitentiary, she said we had to go home and wait for Daddy because we had plans. Guess what??? Mommy and I checked out my goody bags (that's right--bags) and I got to eat some more candy and use my new skeleton straw. Guess what else??? I went to Auntie Norma and Uncle Jerry's house as a trick or treater for the very first time. Guess what??? I got my very own pumpkin filled with goodies from Auntie Norma and Uncle Jerry! (Rumor has it that I wouldn't have gotten a pumpkin had Uncle Jerry not told Auntie Norma that I had to get a pumpkin from them too!!! Thanks Uncle Jerry...I always knew you would have my back! We men have to stick together!) I had a blast over there especially because I got to see the PPs (they are dogs)! Of course the Mamarattzi was right there clicking away!! Would hate for her to not document my first treat or treat outing!
We went to Uncle Fester Dude's new house after we left Uncle Jerry and Auntie Norma's. He opened the door to give me candy and I ran straight into the house to him! I think that helped me get extra candy!! Mommy told me that when I am trick or treating I am not suppose to run into people's houses. Oh well!! Aunt Patty and Ca finally came home so I could go trick or treating to safe people's houses! Mommy was positioning herself to take pictures when we got to Debbie's house. Ca helped me ring the bell and sure enough just as soon as the door open I flew inside. Mommy panicked but Aunt Patty told her that it was okay because Ryan was over there and she was the one who opened the door!! I don't think Mommy could help herself...she had to remind me again to not run into people's houses. Why does she think I am a moron??? Of course I know not to go into strangers houses!! Anyway, we went to Aunt Patty's mom's house and I got candy and I also got to play with her phone!! Mommy tells me that I should consider myself lucky because not many trick or treaters get to play with other people's phones!
Anyway, my first trick or treating adventure was a huge success. I had an oreo cookie and M&M beard by the time we got home. Mommy was just glad that we got home quick enough to clean the night off of me!! Hooray for candy!!!
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