I think I need a new shovel!!!
Okay, so maybe snow isn't so bad!!!

Howdy Howdy Everyone!!! It has been a very interesting past few weeks. First it was cold, then it was hot, then it snowed, then it was hot, and now its rainy! I was surprised to see the snow. I kept saying "pretty snow" but when Daddy took me outside to go to the Baby Penitentiary I wasn't happy at all about having the snow on me. I kept saying "rain off" until Daddy brushed it off of me. I wasn't too happy at the Baby Penitentiary when the Wardens made us go outside to investigate it either. As you can tell though, I got over it. I think it had something to do with Mommy throwing snowballs. No, it wasn't funny at all when she threw one on my shoe!! I was rather
hilarious to see the snow balls on the windows though!!!
Anyway, yesterday I went to the allergist to get tested. Mommy and Daddy were exceptionally proud of me. I finally stood on the meat scale (scale) to get my weight taken, I stood up like a big boy without crying so they could see how big I am and I let them scratch my back a billion times to see what I might be allergic to. I did all of that without crying!!! Mommy and Daddy were very very proud of their big boy!!! Unfortunately, my big boy moment didn't last because when the doctor used the stethoscope on me I went ballistic!!! Stethoscopes can be very very dangerous!!! In any event, I passed my tests with flying colors and I got a new big boy puffer tube!! Since I had such a traumatic morning I got to go spend the day with Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl. I had a blast but I think they were happy when it was time for me to go home---they were awfully tired!!!
I got a boo-boo on my eye lid! I slipped in the tub while I was "practicing" my swimming and hurt my "head". Apparently the bathtub crayon holder caught me near my eye. I told Mommy to kiss my head and she did. Then she saw that it was really my eyelid. Can you believe that she didn't tell me that my eyelid was bleeding?? Mommy fixed me all up and I was better in no time. She really thought that I was going to be upset for a long time but I had to "suck it up" really quickly because there was some pretty loud "
tunder" and it made the lights go out for a second. I jumped straight out of the bath tub and right into Mommy's arms. I kept telling the
tunder to "shut it" but it didn't work! Anyway, my eye is okay but it I have a scrape and it is a little black and blue on the eye lid.
I am happy to report that I am going through a hitting stage! I am learning this from my buddies at school! Mommy feels sorry for the two girls in my
cell block because Mommy says that there are way too many boys versus girls which makes us all mean!! Today Daddy witnessed Carter getting pushed off the table by Jake while three other boys were in a tussle. Carter fell and hit his head really hard on the ground. The Wardens were busy breaking up tussles and helping Carter so Daddy had to go find the Head Warden to get an ice pack for Carter. When Daddy told her what happens she referred to my
cell block as "Savages." Yes we are, thank you!!
Now to the eggs...Tomorrow is the Great Easter Egg Hunt at the Baby Penitentiary. Mommy thought that since I tend to be a little wimpy and a little a.d.d. I might need to practice the egg hunting thingy to refresh my memory of last year so that I can get some eggs tomorrow. Good plan Mommy but you may have shown me too much. On the first run I quickly found all the eggs Mommy hid from me. On the second run I remembered "Emmy Ms" were in the eggs so I had to stop and open every egg to get the "Emmy Ms" and discard the egg. This slowed my speed way down and Mommy told me that if I wanted to get any "Emmy Ms" the Baby Penitentiary tomorrow I am going to have to get a lot of eggs and put them in my bucket and then open last. So on the third run I threw the bucket down and got as many eggs as I could carry and tried to open them all in one spot. Maybe I will take Mommy's advice and put the eggs in the bucket and open them all after the egg hunt. Anyway, Mommy did tell me that I have to make sure that I make sure the girls get some eggs at the hunt tomorrow and to help them if necessary.
P.S. Dude--Are there any other super tall ladders you want to let me climb up?? Bad babysitter...bad!!