Mommy took me to the doctor yesterday because "my nose hurt" and according to Mommy my breathe was bad, which of course according to Mommy meant I have a sinus infection (okay she was right but that is besides the point). Anyway, I screamed "No, No, No" when the nurse called my name to come to the back. Mommy was mean and carried me back there kicking and screaming. I figured fighting was useless and quickly gave up the fight! Can you believe that I let them weigh me without screaming and hollering! I stood there all by myself like a big boy!!! Hooray for me!! Then when the doctor came in the room I let him look at my "Ickies" (ears), look at my throat and listen to my lungs---all without screaming!! Mommy about fell over! She told me she was going to buy me a toy for being so good. The doctor even said I needed a toy for being so good! Mommy had to buy me one because it was prescribed!!! I am such a big boy now!
Daddy was being mean when we picked up my medicine because I wanted two toys. Daddy said "No!" Mommy said that I had two ears so I got to get two toys. Daddy said that I can't have two toys simply because I wanted them. He also pointed out I got a new train the day before. Mommy said I could get two toys simply because I can! I forgot about the other toy so I only ended up with one. The way I see it is that I got cheated and Daddy owes me that other train! I happen to be well connected in the collection business so he better cough up that train!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
All Grown Up!!! (Well Almost)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Another Year, Another Trip to the Keys!!!

Mommy, Daddy and Me went on our annual pilgrimage to the Keys. Only this time we had a weekend lay over in Dallas so we could watch Jesse graduate from high school and go to his party! Can you believe it, Jesse is a full-fledged man now--he be educated!!! I am proud of Jesse for working hard to get his diploma. Anyway, Mommy decided that I probably shouldn't be in Dallas too long because I was trying to run with the big boys. I got to hang out with My Joey and Jesse at their house. Can you believe it, they even let me hang out with them when their big friends were there. Mommy wasn't sure that I should be hanging out at the big boys table but she let me do it anyway because Joey and Jesse had my back!!
Uncle Fester, Lizzybeth and Ryan were there too! I took care of Lizzybeth and Ryan while everyone went to Jesse's graduation. I have to admit I did a good job of it too! Lizzybeth ditched me and went back to California. She's mean for leaving me like that!!!
In addition to playing with the big boys, I got to play with Connor again. Mommy was real proud of me for sharing the hose with Connor but I didn't like it because Connor wouldn't share with me. His Daddy made sure he shared though. After a while Connor and I decided to dump glasses of water on each other. It didn't take us long to realize we could sneak up on the big boys and pour cold water on them!! They didn't even beat us up for pouring water on them. I wasn't too happy when someone squirted me in the face with water but I took it like a man in the end!!! No tears if you want to run with the big dogs.
We all went to the Keys the following Monday. I got to take My Joey, Jesse, Aunt Lili and Uncle F.O. on vacation with me. As you can tell from the pictures I have two of the bestest cousins in the world because they hanged out with me and played with me. Aunt Lili finally discovered the secret to getting me to give her a kiss...took her long enough!!!
Guess what else happened on vacation??? We were in Key West when Mommy took off with me and took me by the aquarium. While we were standing there looking across the square she kept asking me, "Who's that?" I kept looking and looking and finally I realized it was Uncle Carl and Aunt Kay! I hollered because I was so excited!!! Mommy let me take off running across the square so I could jump into Uncle Carl's arms! Everyone was laughing because they didn't think I could run so fast!! Boy oh boy, what a surprise that was!!!
I had a good time in the Keys. Mommy took me on a special trip to the Theater by the Sea. It was just the two of us!! We got to see a seal do tricks, birds, fish and more fish. I have to admit I almost stole a frog from the gift shop. Mommy didn't see me pick it up but the clerk did. I didn't mean to almost steal, I was certain Mommy would buy it for me, I simply forgot to mention that I had it. Everything worked out in the end though because I gave it to the clerk and Mommy bought it for me---just like I knew she would!
Daddy was sad that he didn't get to go with us (not our fault he went on a fishing trip) so we took him to the Dolphin Research Center so we could see the dolphins. Aunt Kay went with us---oh wait, she took us! Thanks Aunt Kay!
I have to report that I was almost a good boy on the plane rides. I think the people sitting in front of me were bothered by my little feeties kicking the back of the chair for hundreds of miles. Oh well, the will eventually get over it!!
Well, that was my vacation. I hope My Joey and Jesse come see me soon. They can bring their parents if they want to.