Mommy took me to the doctor yesterday because "my nose hurt" and according to Mommy my breathe was bad, which of course according to Mommy meant I have a sinus infection (okay she was right but that is besides the point). Anyway, I screamed "No, No, No" when the nurse called my name to come to the back. Mommy was mean and carried me back there kicking and screaming. I figured fighting was useless and quickly gave up the fight! Can you believe that I let them weigh me without screaming and hollering! I stood there all by myself like a big boy!!! Hooray for me!! Then when the doctor came in the room I let him look at my "Ickies" (ears), look at my throat and listen to my lungs---all without screaming!! Mommy about fell over! She told me she was going to buy me a toy for being so good. The doctor even said I needed a toy for being so good! Mommy had to buy me one because it was prescribed!!! I am such a big boy now!
Daddy was being mean when we picked up my medicine because I wanted two toys. Daddy said "No!" Mommy said that I had two ears so I got to get two toys. Daddy said that I can't have two toys simply because I wanted them. He also pointed out I got a new train the day before. Mommy said I could get two toys simply because I can! I forgot about the other toy so I only ended up with one. The way I see it is that I got cheated and Daddy owes me that other train! I happen to be well connected in the collection business so he better cough up that train!
Sneak Peak at my Christmas
14 years ago
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