Daddy's Driving So I Insisted On My Crash Helmet!!!

Mommy took a day off work Wednesday. My radar was in proper working order so when I woke up I announced to Mommy that "I sick!" I told her I was sick so I could hang out with her instead of going to the Baby Penitentiary. Apparently Mommy really is smarter than me because she said, "Okay, if you are sick then you have to stay in bed all day and cannot play with toys." She then said "If you are sick then you can't go to the zoo with Mommy." I was so I excited I jumped up and told her to "drink coffee, we go to the zoo!" Apparently, she saw right through my lie about being sick!! Something tells me the whole zoo deal was a prearranged thought by Mommy because she was playing "legal hookey." Which means, I got a furlough by default!!
We had an absolute blast playing hookey! First I got to go around and see all the grown ups at Mommy's old job because Ms. Tria wanted to see me. I got to talk to Mr. Brad and yell about all the buses that were driving by the office building. (If you ask me, Mommy's newest office isn't very good because she doesn't get to see all the different buses and firetrucks drive by!) We then went to the zoo where I got to ride the "Big Choo-Choo" and "Little Choo-Choo" and I got to see all the animals. The crazy snake guy shoved a snake towards Mommy and me. Neither of us thought it was very funny!!
After the zoo I got to go have lunch with Daddy, Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl. As an added bonus, I got to see Ryan and I gave her a great big hug!! Mommy abandoned me at Daddy's office for a couple of minutes so she could run over to the mall and get me some new shoes. I got new shoes that have "Po-lice" lights on them!!! Daddy drove me home because Mommy had one other trick up her sleeve. When I woke up from my nap she had me help her get a bag out of her car. I didn't want to get the bag out so she got it out for me. Then she had me peek in the bag and guess what!! It was a new helicopter!!!! Mommy really made a special day out of the day just for me!!!
Well that was my most recent excitement!! My Joey--come see me!
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