I Love To Toot My Own Horn!!!
I Didn't Break It This Time!!!
I Love These Silly Worms!!!
We Feel The Need For Speed!!!
I got to make my annual pilgrimage to the state fair! I had an absolute blast riding all the rides. My favoritest ride this year was riding in the helicopter way up in the sky! I can't wait until next year when even more ride possibilities open up for me. I think Daddy was kind of sad because I did get to ride a lot of rides this year without him. Sorry Daddy--growing up is my job!
The next day Mommy ditched me. She had to go on a jet for work for the whole week! Guess what else, she got to ride trains all week long!!! That was so not fair. Mommy did bring her computer with her so I could video call her and make sure that she was all right. I think Mommy also used the video deal so that she could check up on Daddy and me. I am pleased to report that Daddy did a great job of taking care of me..right up to the end where I got sick sick sick on Friday!! Doctor "Yum" told Daddy that I had swine flu. Mommy tried to get home a few hours earlier but that didn't work out very well courtesy of some idiot at American Airlines (no people not one of my favoritests Aunts--she did her part beautifully thank you very much). Anyway, Mommy ended up getting home after 1 a.m. and I was perfectly fine by then. I woke up and demanded my presents. Unfortunately, Mommy's suitcase flew American while Mommy flew United so Mommy didn't have all my presents because her suitcase was locked up at the airport. I did get my astronaut monkey, my Halloween costume (NASA flight suit) and a United Airplane. I got the rest of my presents the next day. Anyway, Mommy and Daddy took care of me all weekend and Monday too just in case I had the swine flu. Mommy suspected that I got sick from the flu shot I got on Wednesday and it is likely that is all it was because I didn't have any problems after my doctor visit Friday morning. Oh well, we are just glad that the doctor took the cautious stance and gave me Tamiflu rather than do nothing at all.
I did have to see Doctor "Yum" this past Thursday and she assures Mommy I was a very sick boy on Friday. Mommy thinks she didn't have to get so defensive because Mommy really wasn't trying to be critical. This time at least!!! Let's just hope when I really need Tamiflu that it does its job.
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