Friday I got to meet my Grandma Lily for the very first time. She was very happy to see me!! I wasn't too sure about her at first but I warmed up to her especially after she made a very healthy donation to my piggy bank!! I liked her husband Kim from the start. Kim said that I am the only one that likes him. I wonder what he meant by that??? Mommy assures me that people like Kim, even Daddy and her. Anyways, thanks Grandma and Kim for my piggy bank money.
Guess who else I got to meet???? Yup, you guessed it, my cousin Scotty!!! This is a picture of me and Scotty.
I think I am going to have Scotty teach me to surf one day. You should see him, he is HUGE!!! I have a lot of growing to do in order to catch up with him!! Mommy says we love Scotty a whole lot even though his Daddy is Uncle Lenny!!! HA!!! JK Uncle Lenny!!
I had a huge fit Friday night! Maybe it was a premonition of the activity planned for Saturday. Anyhow, Daddy was surprised that no one called the police...yes, that is right, I was that MAD!!! Mommy is very grateful that I don't get mad often. She wishes I wouldn't ever get mad but that is not about to happen!!
Saturday Mommy, Daddy and I went to the Reagan Library. Mommy said that I have to be indoctrinated at an early age. In any event, I was a good boy right up until we got near the end. What can I say, I could careless about Nancy's dresses. I am not a dress man!!! Anyhow, I am old enough to know that the Reagan Library is not even close to being the same as Disneyland or the Zoo!! I have been robbed. Mommy assures me though that we will go to those places when I am big enough to really care where I am. When will that be??
Look, my head is almost as big as Daddy's!!!
We headed back home Sunday! We were all glad to go back home. Mommy said that I was just a little too wild Sunday. If you ask me, that was pay back for having to go to a library rather than some place FUN! Anyhow, we saw Ms. Charlette at the airport and I grabbed a hold of her hair. (Mommy tells me the handprint is still there today!) Then on the plane I spilled a coke all over the guy sitting next to Daddy....he was the pilot for the Texas Rangers. (Mommy was very relieved that Daddy was holding me when I dunked the dude!)
Guess what else???? The airport in Dallas is my favoritest place in the whole wide world. Both times I have been there I have been greeted with presents from Aunt Lili!! But guess what else??? My Joey and Jesse were there too!!!!! I was really happy to see them but I must admit that it is nice getting presents too. Aunt Lili wanted to buy me the Lady and the Tramp DVD but Joey and Jesse said that Lady and the Tramp is for sissy boys and I am no sissy boy!! Instead they picked me out two huge stuffed cars from the movie Cars! I love my presents!!! Mommy said she is going to have to explain to me one day that getting presents is not what happens whenever you have a lay over in Dallas. I told Mommy that the "Lay Over Fairy" is real and would never forget a handsome boy!!! Mommy told me to remind her of that when I learn the low down on the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. ANY HOW, thanks Aunt Lili, Uncle Frank, Jesse and Joey!!!! I sure love you guys!!! I can't wait to see you next month...I will be sure to bring my new swim trunks!!
My Joey, Jesse and me!! (Aren't we just adorable!!!)