I have been sick!!! The Wardens at the Baby penitentiary called Daddy (that's right Daddy) on Thursday to report that I had a temperature!! Daddy went to collect me since he was leaving work anyway. Daddy did tell them to make sure that they call Mommy instead of him because he would hate for them to get in trouble since all of us like my new school a lot better. The Warden called Mommy as soon as she hung up with Daddy and apologized for goofing up. She also corrected the numbers in the computer to make sure that Daddy isn't the first one they call ever again (unless for some reason Mommy tells them to and it sure won't be to Daddy's desk phone)! Anyway, Mommy had Daddy run me to the doctor. I have an ear infection and had to get one of those super duper shots again!!! Ouch!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mommy stayed home with me Friday. I started feeling really really good about mid-day! I hate to admit it but I really really roughed Mommy up!! Her ribs still are not up to par so I should be ashamed of myself but I am not!! I chased Sebastian and Rufus all over the house. They eventually got sick of me and hid! Mommy passed me off to Daddy when he came home. I am proud to say, I roughed him up more than I roughed Mommy up!! I finally fell asleep and gave them both a break. Guess what?? I woke up around midnight and I had swirlies in my eyes. Mommy took one look at me and told Daddy, "Oh gee it's way past my bedtime!" When Daddy thought I was wound down enough, he tried to put me to bed but I found my second wind and wrassled him. I was having the best fun headbutting him!!!
Grandpa Len got him a puppy!!! Mommy and I went to bring Grandpa Len a kennel for his puppy. Mommy had to laugh because when the puppy and I were investigating each other Grandpa Len made the puppy get away from me because I might poke him in the eye!! What am I Chop Suey???? Anyway, later on the puppy nipped me on the foot. I was mad!!! Mommy told Granny Bev that we are going to sue!!! I think I will let them slide on the snippy nippy puppy incident since they brought me a present back from Seattle!! Puppies are for the birds! I think I will stick with my boys Rufus and Sebastian because they are nice to me even if I am not very nice to them.
Mommy and I went to the store to buy a birthday present for Kadrick (his Mommy works for Daddy) and Mommy said that it wouldn't be fair for her to buy a toy for him and not for me. Well guess what?? That's right, Mommy had to go back to the store because she forgot to buy a toy for Kadrick!! I got the coolest toy. Now that I can pull myself up Mommy felt I needed something to do while I am standing up. Uncle Fester was trying to show me how to put the balls in the slider. I about have that part figured out! Oh yeah, I got another toy when Mommy went to get something for Kadrick but I think I got short changed on the toy!!
Anyway, just hanging out with Mommy and Daddy today!
Sneak Peak at my Christmas
14 years ago
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