Daddy and me on our way to church.
Need to perfect my roping technique (dragging Santa around).
that he might not like it!!!

I think I can get into presents!!!

Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim got me a PONY!!!

Oh my goodness!! What a merry merry Christmas I had!! Daddy, Mommy and I went to Grandpa Jim and Grandma Dale's house for Christmas. Uncle Tom, Aunt Terri, Jake and Brooke were there too! I had an absolute blast!!! Grandpa and Grandma let me do what ever I wanted at their house! I had so much fun opening and closing cabinets, dragging Grandma's Santa Claus figure around (Mommy and Daddy finally put an end to this even though Grandma said it was okay), carrying off Grandpa's slippers, and trying to throw Grandma's china. Hey, what can I say, they said I could do what ever I wanted??!! I left Daddy and Mommy on edge because at home they know what kind of trouble I can find but don't know what trouble I can find at other people's houses. Daddy says that next time we go Grandma and Grandpa's house he is going to bring duct tape my hands to my side to keep me from trying to break things!!!!
We stopped at Uncle Fester's house on our way out of town! I got two presents from Uncle Fester and Aunt Patty!! I got a cool outfit (including a fleece jacket) from Old Navy and a car wash toy!!! Aunt Patty gave me the last two peppermint patties and Uncle Fester got greedy on me!! Can you believe that he took one of them away from me and ate it??? Talk about stealing candy from babies!! Someone call the police!! (Okay, so he opened it up and shared it with me because Mommy wasn't going to let me eat them right then)
Mommy, Daddy and I went to the Christmas Eve service in Russellville again. We even sat in the very same seats behind the same family we sat behind last year. I was asleep when we got there but woke right up when they started playing the organ. You should have seen the look on my face when I heard that noise!!! Anyway, church ended up like it did last year. That's right, Mommy and I wandered around the very same hallways, looking at the very same pictures and read the very same pamphlets. What can I say, it's our Christmas Eve tradition!!! When we got back to Grandpa and Grandma's, Grandma suggested that I open a present (along with Brooke and Jake) to take the edge of things!! Then it was off to bed because Santa wouldn't come if I weren't asleep. I tried to sneak up on Santa but I got caught when I climbed over Daddy and fell out of bed!! Grandpa and Grandma's guest room is super dark!!! (Mommy and Daddy remedied this the next night by putting a night light in the room so I could see where the bed ended and the fall begins)
When Mommy and I went into the living room on Christmas morning it was very evident that Santa had been there!! I even knew what Santa left for me because I ran straight to it! Santa left me my very own lawn mower!!! I was soooo happy to see it that I forgot all about being hungry!!! Brooke helped me with my stocking!! Guess what I got??? Santa brought me my very own pair of Crocs!!! Now Mommy and Daddy can't tell me to leave the Crocs alone because they are my very own Crocs!! Guess what though??? My Crocs have Mickey Mouse shapes in them!!! I love my Crocs even if Uncle Tom says Crocs are for girls!! (He's just jealous that Santa didn't leave him Mickey Mouse Crocs!!!) Anyways, I got a ton of great toys, books and clothes from Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Terri, Uncle Tom, Jake, Brooke, Daddy and Mommy!! Oh yeah, Santa even stopped by my house and left me an indoor swing/slide set!! Can you believe it??? Santa stopped for me two times!!! I guess he checked his list twice and found that I have been such a good boy I deserved two visits!!!!
Grandma Dale and Aunt Terri made the best Christmas dinner I have ever had!!! I had so much fun eating everything put in front of me!! I am worried that Uncle Tom thinks all I do is eat because he kept mentioning that every time he saw me I was eating! I tried to explain to him that I am a growing boy and I have to eat and have snacks or I won't have the energy to wrassle, run or grow! Since Uncle Tom was so nice to me, I took time out of my busy eating schedule to wrassle with him! I had a great time with Jake too! I liked spying on him to see what he was doing. He was really really nice to me. I hope that I am like him when I am bigger because he didn't ignore me just because he is bigger than me! Poor Brooke was not feeling very well for Christmas. I think she had a great day nonetheless. She tried to keep her distance from me since she wasn't feeling well!
Well that is all for now. Oh yeah, thank you everyone for all of my wonderful presents!!
Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim got me a PONY!!!
Oh my goodness!! What a merry merry Christmas I had!! Daddy, Mommy and I went to Grandpa Jim and Grandma Dale's house for Christmas. Uncle Tom, Aunt Terri, Jake and Brooke were there too! I had an absolute blast!!! Grandpa and Grandma let me do what ever I wanted at their house! I had so much fun opening and closing cabinets, dragging Grandma's Santa Claus figure around (Mommy and Daddy finally put an end to this even though Grandma said it was okay), carrying off Grandpa's slippers, and trying to throw Grandma's china. Hey, what can I say, they said I could do what ever I wanted??!! I left Daddy and Mommy on edge because at home they know what kind of trouble I can find but don't know what trouble I can find at other people's houses. Daddy says that next time we go Grandma and Grandpa's house he is going to bring duct tape my hands to my side to keep me from trying to break things!!!!
We stopped at Uncle Fester's house on our way out of town! I got two presents from Uncle Fester and Aunt Patty!! I got a cool outfit (including a fleece jacket) from Old Navy and a car wash toy!!! Aunt Patty gave me the last two peppermint patties and Uncle Fester got greedy on me!! Can you believe that he took one of them away from me and ate it??? Talk about stealing candy from babies!! Someone call the police!! (Okay, so he opened it up and shared it with me because Mommy wasn't going to let me eat them right then)
Mommy, Daddy and I went to the Christmas Eve service in Russellville again. We even sat in the very same seats behind the same family we sat behind last year. I was asleep when we got there but woke right up when they started playing the organ. You should have seen the look on my face when I heard that noise!!! Anyway, church ended up like it did last year. That's right, Mommy and I wandered around the very same hallways, looking at the very same pictures and read the very same pamphlets. What can I say, it's our Christmas Eve tradition!!! When we got back to Grandpa and Grandma's, Grandma suggested that I open a present (along with Brooke and Jake) to take the edge of things!! Then it was off to bed because Santa wouldn't come if I weren't asleep. I tried to sneak up on Santa but I got caught when I climbed over Daddy and fell out of bed!! Grandpa and Grandma's guest room is super dark!!! (Mommy and Daddy remedied this the next night by putting a night light in the room so I could see where the bed ended and the fall begins)
When Mommy and I went into the living room on Christmas morning it was very evident that Santa had been there!! I even knew what Santa left for me because I ran straight to it! Santa left me my very own lawn mower!!! I was soooo happy to see it that I forgot all about being hungry!!! Brooke helped me with my stocking!! Guess what I got??? Santa brought me my very own pair of Crocs!!! Now Mommy and Daddy can't tell me to leave the Crocs alone because they are my very own Crocs!! Guess what though??? My Crocs have Mickey Mouse shapes in them!!! I love my Crocs even if Uncle Tom says Crocs are for girls!! (He's just jealous that Santa didn't leave him Mickey Mouse Crocs!!!) Anyways, I got a ton of great toys, books and clothes from Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Terri, Uncle Tom, Jake, Brooke, Daddy and Mommy!! Oh yeah, Santa even stopped by my house and left me an indoor swing/slide set!! Can you believe it??? Santa stopped for me two times!!! I guess he checked his list twice and found that I have been such a good boy I deserved two visits!!!!
Grandma Dale and Aunt Terri made the best Christmas dinner I have ever had!!! I had so much fun eating everything put in front of me!! I am worried that Uncle Tom thinks all I do is eat because he kept mentioning that every time he saw me I was eating! I tried to explain to him that I am a growing boy and I have to eat and have snacks or I won't have the energy to wrassle, run or grow! Since Uncle Tom was so nice to me, I took time out of my busy eating schedule to wrassle with him! I had a great time with Jake too! I liked spying on him to see what he was doing. He was really really nice to me. I hope that I am like him when I am bigger because he didn't ignore me just because he is bigger than me! Poor Brooke was not feeling very well for Christmas. I think she had a great day nonetheless. She tried to keep her distance from me since she wasn't feeling well!
Anyway, it was back to business today! I had to go to the Baby Penitentiary for three whole hours. (Daddy and Mommy dropped me off when we got back to town so Mommy could do a deep clean of the house) I had plenty of time to tell all my buddies about what a great Christmas I had (with the exception of Uncle Fester stealing a piece of my candy)! When I got home all of my new toys were set up for me. Guess what, I ran straight to my lawn mower!!! Then I realized I had a dilemma...I didn't want my vacuum to get lonely so I had to push it around the house for a while!! It seems two days of being alone caused Rufus to miss me. He even acted happy to see me and all my noisy toys!!! I have to go to the Baby Penitentiary tomorrow but only for a half a day. Mommy says we are going to run around Little Rock tomorrow afternoon and might stop by the toy store (if I am really good) to use my baby credit card that Aunt Lili sent me.
Well that is all for now. Oh yeah, thank you everyone for all of my wonderful presents!!
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