Santa Claus (Mommy said it was actually his helper) came to the Baby Penitentiary yesterday!! Guess what??? He brought me a present!! That's right, I got a brand new book that I get to read with Daddy!!! Mommy said it was just Santa's helper because Santa Claus is coming to visit me Sunday night (but I will be sleeping not peeping)!! Anyway, my cell block had a Christmas party. I brought Christmas cookies with thick, rich and creamy icing (I have mastered the art of scraping the icing off with my thumb and popping it straight into my mouth). Some one else signed up to bring Cheese Puffs. Mommy was bothered by other inmates' Mommies (and/or Daddies) not signing up to bring other stuff that was on the list, so Mommy went back to the store to buy some candy for us. Of course she bought the stuff I like, York Peppermint Patties and Hershey's Chocolate bars (Uncle Fester got me hooked on the Peppermint Patties. He tried to give me some peanut M & Ms but Mommy and Aunt Patty explained to him that he is a peanut brain because I am too little for that)! Oh anyway, Daddy told Mommy that one of the reasons that he loves her is because she didn't want the kids to have a crummy party because of their parents. Mommy told Daddy that he doesn't know her at all because she didn't care if the other inmates had a crummy party, she was only worried about ME having a crummy party!! Thanks Mommy!!!
I went to work today! I had a FANTASTIC day!!! I got my Christmas present early from Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl. Guess what I got??? I got a huge playhouse! It has a table inside, a sink, a phone, shutters that open and close, a door and a working door bell!!! Guess what else, I have my very own office!!!!! Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl set up my office for me. It has all my big boy toys in it and I have plenty of room to play. I just love my office. My playhouse is set up inside my office. I love my playhouse even more! I have to say, Mommy and Daddy picked the perfect godparents for me because they spoil me rotten because they love me. I have to admit, I love them tons too!!!
Sebastian and I have officially bonded. Mommy was holding Sebastian yesterday and she told me to say "hi" to him. I sort of said "hi" by kissing him on his head!!! Sebastian seemed okay with it until I tried to hug him too! I think Sebastian thought that we had not evolved that far in our "relationship" to get so lovey dovey, so he took off running. I wonder if Rufus is ever going to let me kiss him??? Mommy told me not to hold my breath on that.
Well that is all for now. Oh wait, no it is not. I have some professional pictures on the way. They look fantastic. They should be in late next month or early February (Mommy is probably going to use someone else next time because this one is slow...good but slow), so wait patiently. Mommy promises to distribute them as soon as they get here. Well I probably won't post before Christmas so everyone have a very Merry Christmas!!!
Sneak Peak at my Christmas
14 years ago
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