Sunday, May 13, 2007

I Can Do What Ever I Want To Do!!!

I got to see my girl Jessica this weekend. Uncle Fester and Aunt Patty were over here too. When I finally woke up from my nap, Mommy pointed them out to me. I flew past Uncle Fester and went right into Jessica's waiting arms!! I am nuts about her. I finally gave Uncle Fester some attention after I got over all my excitement about Jessica. I don't think Jessica liked my new bike though! I think she doesn't think I needed another toy! Good thing Mommy and Daddy don't think that way!! I

Saturday Mommy, Daddy and I went to spend the night with Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim. We got to eat all kinds of junk food on the way there. I got to watch the Backyardigans over and over and over. It drove Mommy crazy!!! Anyway, I just love going to Grandma Dale's house!!! While I was happy to spend time with Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim, I mainly love going to their house because Grandma Dale lets me do what ever I want to do whether any one else approves or not!!! Mommy did have to put her foot down though when I was playing with the electrical outlet. No shock there!!! Anyway, I had to go to Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim's so I could bring Grandma Dale her Mother's Day present and to bring Grandpa Jim a birthday present. I am happy to report that they are crazy about me! I even gave them kisses!!! Grandma Dale made me a big boy breakfast today!!! Of course, I watched my Backyardigans DVD over and over while we were there!! What can I say??? I just love to watch Pablo sing and dance! Mommy kind of caved in though on the Pablo issue. She decided that if she was going to have to listen to the Backyardigans all the way home we were going to have to stop at Wally World and buy me some new episodes!

After we left Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim's house we headed to Granpa Len and Granny Bev's house. I had a Mother's Day card for Granny Bev that I had to deliver. I mainly went there though because Maams sent potato chips from Pennsylvania that Mommy said I had to try. They are the best potato chips in the world!!! I ate a whole bunch and dropped crumbs all over Grandpa Len and Granny Bev's house. Oh yeah, I am happy to report that I didn't try to hurt Grandpa Len today!!!

I got Mommy all kinds of presents for Mother's day!!! I got her a gizmo for her car so she can play her I-Pod through her car stereo (so I can listen to my songs), a shiney new toaster (so she can make me lots of toast), and all the Backyardigans beanies (so she can give them to me)!! Mommy saw all the Backyardigan beanies sitting on top of the stove with her new toaster she actually thought about turning the burners on to toast them!!! I must admit I drive them crazy with the Backyardigans. Every time I get in the car I immediately point at the ceiling and say "Pa" so that they will put Pablo and the other Backyardigans on. I don't like Mommy's car because I can't watch the Backyardigans in her car. Daddy told Mommy that he is going to get me a portable DVD player for her car so I can watch the Backyardigans in her car. Mommy proclaims her car to be a Pablo free zone!!!

Well, that's all for now!!! Oh yeah, Joey we need to play hookey again soon!!!

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