(Dude--Send Presents!!!)
Mommy and Daddy took me to one of my favoritest places in the world this past weekend---St. Louis!! I was so excited about getting to go to St. Louis. I was talking about going to St. Louis all week at school. Finally Thursday came and off we went!! I am happy to report that Daddy got us to St. Louis safe and sound despite the fact that we think his Navigation lady had one too many fermented grape juice boxes if you catch my drift! We finally told her to shut it because she was way crazy! Mommy always wonders why they have female navigation people because she really doesn't think most people wouldn't take directions from a lady. I am not sure what Mommy meant by that because I know that Mommy can get anywhere!! Daddy is a believer too because he doubted her directions and Mommy had to scold him by saying "After a billion years of being married, you still don't trust my giving directions solely by the position of the sun, stars, moon, etc.???" Mommy then told Daddy that he couldn't find the St. Louis Arch if he were standing under it!!
Anyway, Daddy hooked us up with a really nice hotel right down town by the Arch and the ball park. There was all kinds of activities going on that I got to monitor. Daddy tried to get me to go on a carriage ride ("horse choo-choo") but I didn't want to have any part of that. I don't trust them horse choo-choos!!! This one horse and me had a thing for each other though. Mommy doesn't think it was as friendly as I remember it to be because when I first saw the horse it peed rivers of pee right there in the street. It cracked Mommy and me up. A little while later, we saw the very same horse on the very same corner. The carriage driver asked Mommy if I was traumatized from the last time. Mommy said "No" but just as she said it, the horse let out a giant poop right there in the street. Mommy, me and the carriage driver thought it was hysterical! His passengers didn't see the humor in it until he told them that the horse does his business every time he sees me. Mommy and I later saw the same horse at the hotel across the street, so I yelled "No pee or poop horsey!!!" Guess what, he didn't pee or poop that time. I was so proud of myself but Mommy thinks the horse didn't recognize me because I wasn't on the "potty corner."
We went to the Zoo on Friday and Saturday! I rode that choo choo everywhere. I finally relented and got off the train to look at some animals. I really like those penguins but those things sure can generate a stink!!! Mommy and Daddy also took me to a little carnival where I got to ride all kinds of rides. I threw a fit at the fair though because the roller coaster was broke! Fortunately, they fixed it before we left and and I got to ride it. I LOVE ROLLER COASTERS!!! They go fast!!!!
I ended up running a fever Saturday night. I woke up in the morning crying because my tummy hurt really really bad. I cried for hours because my tummy hurt. Mommy and Daddy took me to a "Doc in a Box" so I could get checked out before we drove home. The doctor told me that based on my symptoms and the pain in my tummy that I had to go to the emergency room. We sat for hours in the emergency room at the Children's Hospital. I don't know why they are rated number 5 in the country. It was an absolutely horrible experience! Can you believe that the poked me with needles??? Mommy assured the nurses that I would put up a huge fight. It took Daddy, two nurses and another nurse to fight me to get the IV in my arm all of this while I was wrapped up like a burrito. Next time they won't look at Mommy with that look like "We can handle it, we are professionals." I don't think the nurses were very happy with me!!! The fight wouldn't have gone on so long if they wouldn't have messed up my other arm to begin with. Okay, well maybe it would have! They took all kinds of blood from me and pumped liquids into me. They kept telling me I had to potty in a cup. I kept saying "No." The nurses told Mommy and Daddy that they needed me to pee or they would have to put a catheter in me. Mommy gave them a "whatever" look. Mommy told me I had to potty in the cup or they were going to be really mean to me. So I struck a deal with the devil. I asked the nurse if I could go home if I pottied in the cup. She said yes, so off I went to potty in the cup. Mommy told me afterwards that she wouldn't have let them mess with my willy despite their desire to get a urine sample. Mommy did add that if I was howling in pain, she would let them do it to get to the bottom of my troubles. The nurses got real sweet with me. Daddy noticed how nice they were being to us, Mommy insists its because they messed up somehow and they are afraid we will figure it out. Anyway, the doctor gave me the all clear and let me go home. They didn't figure out what was causing my tummy problems but all the major concerns were covered. I was more than happy to run out of there. I just wanted to go home so I could take a nap!
I did point out to Mommy that I needed to go to the Toys Store to get that Big Wow Wow Super Choo-Choo that I have been begging for for months. Mommy said since my day was so horrible and I went through so much, that we could get the choo-choo. I told her to go right then but she said the toy store was closed. I told her that the toy store was not closed. Mommy assured me that if we passed an open Toys 'R Us on a Sunday night anywhere between St. Louis and home we would stop. Guess what? There weren't any open Toys 'R Us'.
The topic hasn't come up yet but Daddy lost my blue blankey somewhere between Sikeston, Missouri and Osceola, Arkansas. Mommy keeps waiting for me to inquire about my blankey so she can let me know that Daddy lost my blankey!!! When I find out my blue blankey is still on vacation, I am going to make Daddy go get it!!! Daddy pointed out to Mommy that she left my precious "baba" at the hotel in St. Louis. Mommy replied that I didn't need it anyway. Is she crazy?? I need my precious baba just as much as I need my blue blankey. They are both going to be in BIG BIG trouble when I figure out what they did!
Well we got home safely, thanks Daddy!! I had to stay home from the Baby Penitentiary today because I still had a fever. Daddy took me to his office so I could see Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl and to get Bella. Bella stayed with Uncle Carl again. He is super nice for taking care of My Bella while I was out of town. It turns out that Bella was very bad at Uncle Carl's house. I am sorry that Bella was bad at Uncle Carl's. I hope Uncle Carl doesn't think that it was my fault that Bella was bad. I am sorry for the both of us! Mommy picked me up from the office so she could take care of me this afternoon. I reminded her that we needed to get the Big Wow Wow Choo-Choo. Guess what?? She let us stop at the toy store to get it! It almost makes up for a bad ending to my vacation!!! Okay, so maybe it makes up for it completely!!
Those crazy doctors called the house this afternoon. What did they do, sit up all night trying to come up with illnesses for me? They finally decided that since they couldn't find anything wrong with me yesterday that they could try to say that maybe that there is a one in a million chance that the tick bite I had could have caused my issues. What ever!! Let's see if they call tomorrow with a new theory!
By and large, I think Daddy and Mommy produced a wonderful weekend of fun for me! Well that is all for now!
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