Happy Birthday to ME!!! Happy Birthday to ME!!! I turned ONE today!!! Today was the BESTEST birthday I have had all year!! Mommy told me that I did not have to go to the Baby Penitentiary today because no boy as good as me should have to spend his birthday in the slammer. Mommy and Daddy both took off work today to spend the entire day with me!!! Last night they gave me a "pre-birthday" present (Mommy explained that since there is a Christmas Eve there has to be a Birthday Eve). I got my very own vacuum cleaner!!! I was so happy to see my vacuum!! It has an Elmo on it and a Cookie Monster and they both talk. Mommy says it is the Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde of vacuum cleaners. Anyway, I LOVE MY VACUUM!! I can't wait to show Jessica my vacuum. She better not try to touch it though because I am going to tell her "NO, NO, NO!!" just like she tells me when I try to play with the big people vacuum!
I made my television debut this morning (The video is above hit the play button and turn the volume up so you can here what they say.) Mommy says that they showed my picture first because I am the better looking kid!! That's right, I am more beautiful than that crummy girl!! Just goes to show that it's not always girls before boys!! (If you don't believe Mommy, play the clip the whole way through and judge for yourself!) Anyway, I was so surprised to see myself in the TV. Guess what else!!! I love the Channel 4 Weatherman and he is the one who said my name and talked about my picture!!!
I got more presents from Mommy and Daddy today!! There are toys everywhere!! Guess what else I got??? I got a TMX ELMO from Mommy and Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Okay, so I have the must have toy of the season and I prefer my Elmo/Cookie Monster vacuum cleaner to it but I am only ONE so do you really want to make something of it??? The important thing is that I am one of the "TMX Elmo Haves" this year rather than one of the "TMX Elmo Have Nots." Mommy told me to tell everyone who helped search for Elmo thank you (especially Aunt Lili who tried very very hard too)...So thanks everyone for all your efforts!!! Aunt Terri, Uncle Tom, Cousin Jake and Cousin Brooke sent me presents via the UPS man. I love my Sesame Street Fire Truck!!! Mommy and Daddy assure me that the present train hasn't ended because the rest of the family have presents for me too (Uncle Fester that is code for "You Better Get Over Here With My PlayStation 3")!!
I got my pictures taken today! It was a lot of hard work trying to act sweet and smile and things like that for almost an hour!!! I hope there is a good shot in the batch because Mommy said she would hate it if everyone got a yucky face picture!! Tonight I got my "birthday cupcake" (I am getting my cake this weekend)! As you can tell from the picture above, I really love cupcakes!! Ms. Toni, Paradise and Italy (they are my neighbors) stopped by to tell me Happy Birthday!! I just grinned and grinned at them!! They sure are nice to me and always remember to think of me!!
I have to say that this past year has flown by! I have learned so much in the past year. I am even mastering the art of parental torture (Mommy says that I am learning this skill conspiring with the other inmates at the Baby Penitentiary and if I keep it up I am going to find myself in solitary confinement at some little old lady's house who doesn't watch any other kids!) Mommy and Daddy told me the "Zachary Story" again tonight (I get told it a lot, Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl even told it to me yesterday while we were at work) because they want to make sure that I always remember just how many people had to love me to get me to my first birthday. Well, that was my first birthday!! It's back to the Baby Penitentiary tomorrow!! When will I be old enough to stay home alone????
Oh yeah, Where's My Joey???