Tuesday, May 29, 2007

What A Pal!!!

I should have known that something was up because Mommy came to the Baby Penitentiary and interrupted snack time. My buddy (Mommy doesn't remember his name) didn't want me to go home hungry so he came up to me and placed some snacks in my hand. Mommy thought that was so sweet!! Ugh!! She needs to understand that all that was is two pals watching the other's back--Nothing sweet about it!!! Anyway, Mommy figured she would be interrupting snack time so she had a snack for me in the car--a yummy grilled cheese sandwich!! What a Mommy!!!

I should have known that she was just trying to butter me up. It didn't take me long to figure out where we were going. Yup, as soon as we turned the corner I knew to turn my head and look for the doctor's office...sure enough there it was!!! In keeping with my normal behavior, I yelled when they weighed me, when they took my temperature and when they used the stethoscope on me. While I have been going to my doctor forever, I still don't like him!!! He gave me some medicine because he said that my ear looks suspicious and I have to double up on the puffers to help me get rid of my cough! I did say bye-bye to him, so maybe we are making progress. As we were leaving I could have sworn I heard Mommy say see you next week. Maybe there is something wrong with my ears because it obviously affected my hearing. Surely Mommy doesn't have plans to take me back next week!!

Guess what I did tonight??? I rode my motorcycle. That's right, I jumped right on it and hit the button and off I went. I don't know who was more excited Mommy or me!!! I did figure out that the motorcycle is great fun because I can run my other toys over and more importantly, I can chase down Sebastian and Rufus!!!

Well that's all for now!!

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Things They Do For Love!!!

Okay, first I have to confess that I told my first lie to Mommy. I got a note sent home with me from the Baby Penitentiary!!! Since Daddy picked me up, Mommy didn't know what "Zack was a bit pushy today" meant. So Mommy called the substitute Warden(Mommy thought the sub was a bit testy for calling a 17 month old pushy). Anyway, turns out the statement did not refer to my attitude...just my tendency to push down my cellmates that day!! Anyhow...now to my lie. Mommy asked me if I was a good boy in school. I had no choice to but tell her "Yes." I didn't want her to think that she was raising a hooligan so I had to say yes. Mommy told me that it wasn't very nice to lie to her!!!

Anyway, I got to go to the office with Daddy on Friday. Seems the Wardens were being airheads Friday and Mommy and Daddy didn't want to have to worry about me. I got to play all day with Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl!!! Things were a bit strange when I got home. Then Uncle Fester, Aunt Patty, Ryan and Jessica turned up. Turns out I forgot that were were taking a road trip to Dallas!! I have to report that I was a good boy the whole way there! Mommy and Daddy were very relieved that I didn't have a huge fit on the way down. I got to watch the Backyardigans until I fell asleep (Mommy tells me that everyone was very grateful when I fell asleep)! We got to Aunt Lili's house very late. Uncle F.O. was up to greet us! I ran wild when we got there. Mommy was worried that I wasn't going to go to bed.

Guess what?? Aunt Lili, Uncle F.O., Jesse and Joey got me new shoes!!! I have some cool new Vans!!! I was very proud of them and tried them out by running all over the place. Thanks Aunt Lili, Uncle F.O., Jesse and Joey! Guess what else??? Aunt Lili had the vacuum out waiting for me!!! Oh yeah. I got to hug Oreo over and over again! I just loved Oreo. Well, I learned my first lesson about young love---it doesn't last very long. Eventually Oreo grew bored with getting hugs and he growled at me! I didn't hug Oreo again after that because he hurt my feelings! Just goes to show that Oreo isn't the brightest bulb in the box because I didn't see anyone else dishing out hugs to him. He will be a hugless Oreo and its all his own fault!

I was nicer to everyone this time. I gave them hugs and kisses (okay so maybe only when I thought they were leaving). I also got to streak through their house! I thought it was hillarious and so did everyone else. I am just glad that Jessica didn't see me when I was streaking. That would have been embarassing! Oh yeah, I also let Aunt Lili and Uncle F.O. watch my Backyardigans DVD. Thanks for having us Aunt Lili and Uncle F.O.

Anyway, we got home late last night. Yes, I watched the Backyardigans most of the way home (everyone should just be happy that I rode him with them rather than having to fly home again like I did that last time we took a road trip to Dallas). I had a great time even though Mommy tells me that everyone (and she means everyone) is sick of the Backyardigans!!! I happen to know that all my people will continue to watch the Backyardigans over and over and over again because they love me and they know it makes me happy and that's all that matters!!!

Well that's all for now! Oh yeah, I dedicate this song to my loving family (Wouldn't want any of you to forget the words)!!!

Hi, I'm Pablo.
My name's Tyrone.
I'm Uniqua.
I'm Tasha.
And my name's Austin.

And we're...Your backyard friends, The Backyardigans
Together in the backyard again.
In the place where we belong
Where we'll probably sing a song
And we'll maybe dance along.
We've got the whole wide world in our yard to explore.
We always find things we've never seen before.
That's why every day we're back for more
With your friends, the Backyardigans.

Monday, May 21, 2007

I Am Spoiled Beyond Belief!!!

Mommy has finally had her fill of me being spoiled. I got a brand new Kawasaki four wheeler as a special treat last week and I don't want anything to do with it!!! (I loved it in the store!!) Mommy says for now on I am only going to get to play with toys in the store because I never want them once I get them home!! I have to admit, I am pretty spoiled...the house looks like Santa's toy shop.

Anyway, I got to see my Jessica this weekend. I got to play with her most of the day!! I got to see Uncle Fester and Aunt Patty too!!! I am ashamed to admit but I was kind of rude to Aunt Patty. She asked me if I can say "Patty." Well I thought she said "Potty" so I ran over and opened the bathroom door and sat down on my potty. Mommy was so proud of me!!! What can I say, I am a comedian!!!

Sommer came to see me too!!! Can you believe it, she showed up without a present for me!!! I don't think that was very nice of her!! Sommer says Mommy is right. If anyone expects attention from me they better not come around when My Jessica is here!!!

Well that is all for now. Uncle F.O.--You better have my pool cleaned up and ready for me. Aunt Lili--Are you going to have my vacuum ready for me to inspect???

Sunday, May 13, 2007

I Can Do What Ever I Want To Do!!!

I got to see my girl Jessica this weekend. Uncle Fester and Aunt Patty were over here too. When I finally woke up from my nap, Mommy pointed them out to me. I flew past Uncle Fester and went right into Jessica's waiting arms!! I am nuts about her. I finally gave Uncle Fester some attention after I got over all my excitement about Jessica. I don't think Jessica liked my new bike though! I think she doesn't think I needed another toy! Good thing Mommy and Daddy don't think that way!! I

Saturday Mommy, Daddy and I went to spend the night with Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim. We got to eat all kinds of junk food on the way there. I got to watch the Backyardigans over and over and over. It drove Mommy crazy!!! Anyway, I just love going to Grandma Dale's house!!! While I was happy to spend time with Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim, I mainly love going to their house because Grandma Dale lets me do what ever I want to do whether any one else approves or not!!! Mommy did have to put her foot down though when I was playing with the electrical outlet. No shock there!!! Anyway, I had to go to Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim's so I could bring Grandma Dale her Mother's Day present and to bring Grandpa Jim a birthday present. I am happy to report that they are crazy about me! I even gave them kisses!!! Grandma Dale made me a big boy breakfast today!!! Of course, I watched my Backyardigans DVD over and over while we were there!! What can I say??? I just love to watch Pablo sing and dance! Mommy kind of caved in though on the Pablo issue. She decided that if she was going to have to listen to the Backyardigans all the way home we were going to have to stop at Wally World and buy me some new episodes!

After we left Grandma Dale and Grandpa Jim's house we headed to Granpa Len and Granny Bev's house. I had a Mother's Day card for Granny Bev that I had to deliver. I mainly went there though because Maams sent potato chips from Pennsylvania that Mommy said I had to try. They are the best potato chips in the world!!! I ate a whole bunch and dropped crumbs all over Grandpa Len and Granny Bev's house. Oh yeah, I am happy to report that I didn't try to hurt Grandpa Len today!!!

I got Mommy all kinds of presents for Mother's day!!! I got her a gizmo for her car so she can play her I-Pod through her car stereo (so I can listen to my songs), a shiney new toaster (so she can make me lots of toast), and all the Backyardigans beanies (so she can give them to me)!! Mommy saw all the Backyardigan beanies sitting on top of the stove with her new toaster she actually thought about turning the burners on to toast them!!! I must admit I drive them crazy with the Backyardigans. Every time I get in the car I immediately point at the ceiling and say "Pa" so that they will put Pablo and the other Backyardigans on. I don't like Mommy's car because I can't watch the Backyardigans in her car. Daddy told Mommy that he is going to get me a portable DVD player for her car so I can watch the Backyardigans in her car. Mommy proclaims her car to be a Pablo free zone!!!

Well, that's all for now!!! Oh yeah, Joey we need to play hookey again soon!!!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Oh, You Asked If I Want To Play Hockey, Not Play Hookey!!!

I didn't go to the Baby Penitentiary yesterday!! Mommy and I went to her office and I got to show everyone how big I have gotten. I wasn't too happy about being at Mommy's office because I thought someone was going to steal the sausage biscuit Mommy bought me! The only time I was calm was when we were in her private office and I saw that it wasn't a doctor's office. Can you believe it, Mommy has a zillion pictures of her favorite person in her office--that's right--of ME!!! She has a couple pictures of Daddy but they aren't where she can stare at all day like mine!!! Anyways, I was too busy crying to apologize to Mr. James for making him do all Mommy's work whenever I am sick. He told me that it was okay though because all that is important is that Mommy take good care of me when ever I am sick!!

Mommy pulled a fast one on me and I should have known that she had a trick up her sleeve...that's right we did end up at a doctor's office after we left her office. I had to go see Dr. Doogie so he could take a look at my tubes to make sure everything was still looking good. I screamed bloody murder because I didn't want him rooting around in my ears. He may look young but he is a pro at dealing with irate little people. He didn't seem fazed at all about my tantrum.

I fell asleep in the car after the doctor's office. Having temper tantrums all morning wears a boy out. Guess what??? When I woke up about forty-five minutes later I was face to face with MY JOEY and Aunt Lili!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the two of them. That's right Joey and me played hookey from school!!! We have pretty good Mommies for letting us play hookey!! We all went to see Grandpa Len and Granny Bev. I am having a run of being "ashamed ofs." I am ashamed to admit that I swung a "stick" at Grandpa Len and he had to move pretty quick to keep from getting hit with it. That's right, a room full of people and I had to pick the one guy that just had back surgery to try to clobber with a stick! Then again, maybe I was just smart and picked the one person who couldn't beat me up!! Anyway, Grandpa wasn't too mad at me and I don't think the quick movement hurt him. Mommy put me in time out and told me that if I break Grandpa Len that we would have to sell all my toys to pay for him. I guess I better watch myself! Sorry Grandpa.

Guess what??? Joey drove me around in Mommy's car (yes people, Mommy and Aunt Lili were in the car too-as if we would really joy ride in Mommy's car)!! Aunt Lili was shocked that Mommy let Joey drive with me in the car. Mommy figured it was the best time for Joey to drive because while he could probably get away with injuring Mommy and Aunt Lili no one would forgive him for getting me hurt. While I am not a professional, I think he did a great job of driving...Mommy agrees too!

Anyhow, Aunt Lili and Joey flew back home last night because Joey and I weren't allowed to miss two days of school. I am glad that they came to see me. I am going to see them later this summer. Daddy is going to go next time because he was sad when Mommy and I went without him the last time. Well that is all for now. Oh yeah, thanks Aunt Lili, Uncle F.O., Jesse and Joey for my movie.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Life Is A Blast!!!

Aunt Kay and me at the Mid America Museum.

Uncle Carl and me at the Mid-America Museum.

Proof I can be sweet to Sebastian!!

Grandpa Len had to have an operation last Thursday and since Daddy hurt himself, Mommy had to get reinforcements in to help with me on Saturday so Mommy could help Granny Bev and Grandpa Len. Uncle Fester and Aunt Patty were over early on Saturday morning because Daddy and Uncle Fester were working on a project. Mommy and I were playing in the driveway with my bike when they got here. I jumped off my bike and ran straight down the driveway to Uncle Fester!! I am embarrassed to admit it but I gave Aunt Patty the cold shoulder.

Aunt Kay and Uncle Carl came to take care of me Saturday morning/afternoon. Mommy opened the front door for me so I could run out and greet them! Guess what??? They took me to the Mid-America Museum. I had an absolute blast!!! Aunt Kay and I played with this ball cyclone. Aunt Kay wasn't quick enough to gather the balls up for me so I had to climb under the machine to get them myself!!! Uncle Carl and I got to push a wall in!!! I got to see all kinds of things...even FISH!!! They took me to lunch before they brought me home!! I have the bestest godparents in the whole wide world. Can you believe that they love spending time with me almost as much as I love spending time with them???!!!! (They would swear that the love hanging out with me more than I do with them!!)

Guess who was there when I got home??? That's right, my girl Jessica!!! Ryan was there too!!! I got to boss both of them around!!! Guess what??? They did everything I told them to do! Ryan played with me until it was time for me to get my bath...which is when Mommy took over!!

Mommy was feeling sorry for me this morning because Daddy and I haven't been to get doughnuts since he injured himself so she took me. Mommy was so glad that she took me because the Doughnut lady asked Mommy "Doesn't his Grandpa normally bring him for doughnuts?" Mommy thought this was absolutely hilarious but did tell her that Daddy is my Daddy not my Grandpa!! Mommy couldn't wait to get home and tell Daddy!! Daddy didn't find that lady's comment nearly as amusing as Mommy. Daddy says that we aren't going there for doughnuts anymore because that lady is just a crazy old doughnut hag!!!

This afternoon Mommy and I went to the Museum of Discovery. We weren't too impressed with the place because I am still a little too little to enjoy the place so we left and went to a place where I could have more fun. That's right, we went to Toys 'R Us!!! Mommy almost bought me another bicycle but decided against it because she didn't want to have to explain to Daddy why I needed three bicycles. This one was pretty cool though because it was a miniature big boy bicycle that I even tried to peddle. Anyway, we decided that I need the Kawasaki four wheeler that is battery powered. Unfortunately they were out, so we have to put Daddy on the case. Wish me luck!!!

Anyway, that was my weekend! Aunt Lili is suppose to be coming tomorrow and she just better bring my Joey!!!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Manual Labor???

I just can't believe it!! Doesn't anyone understand that I am white collar?? Last Sunday Daddy had me picking up empty water bottles in the yard because Daddy, Uncle Fester and the work crew just threw their empty bottles where ever they felt like it!!! Mommy made sure that Daddy paid me $1 for every bottle that I picked up!! I picked up a gazillion bottles. I was really agitated with the bottles that did not have their lids because I am really particular about bottles having lids. I had to search and search for lids!!! Anyway, on Monday Mommy asked Daddy if he paid me. Daddy said he forgot. Right I cue, I yelled at Daddy!!! He then promptly deposited my money into my piggy bank!!!

I went to work yesterday. Nothing like a cushy office job!! Daddy ratted me out to Mommy though because I got a time out at work for kicking and hitting Aunt Kay! In my defense, they were love pats!!!

When Mommy took me to the Baby Penitentiary this morning Warden Kristy told Mommy that the little brat that was biting me got expelled!! Mommy didn't think that was necessary because she had instructed me to head butt the brat the next time he bit me. Besides, Mommy knows that I went through my biting stage and the little brat really wasn't old enough to grasp the concept that he shouldn't bite. Funny, I don't remember Mommy being so understanding when I was biting the other inmates!!

Well that's all for now!!